The useful olive oil

The useful olive oil

A storehouse of vitamins, liquid gold, a gift of the gods - these are a few adjectives, which are generously rewarded olive oil. Nutritionists and doctors in all sorts of programs and articles vying to convince us of the exceptional utility of this product. But it is - a marketing ploy or the truth?

To know the truth, you need to look into the olive juice. A baffle he really: glycerides of oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic and arachidic acid; terpenes; phospholipids; vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, K; macronutrients potassium, calcium, sodium; flavonoids; carotenoid; chlorophyll; squalene; oleokantal; oleuropein. Such product can safely compete with commercial vitamin complexes.

The most notable feature of olive oil - to restore the body's balance between good and bad cholesterol. This significantly reduces the possibility of development of atherosclerosis. The scientific world has officially confirmed that olive oil reduces the risk of heart failure, strengthens blood vessels and improves their elasticity.

Squalene, part of the oil, preventing the development of malignancies in the body, improve the immune system, normalizes hormones. It is also proved that the olive oil in women blocking the gene that causes breast cancer, one-third of cases, prevents the development of skin cancer and the appearance of warts.

Oil from olives has a slight laxative effect. Therefore, it is necessary to use for constipation and hemorrhoids. It also reduces the acidity of gastric juice, reduces inflammation and heals wounds in the digestive tract. This makes it an indispensable tool in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, and even precancerous gastrointestinal conditions. Olive oil mildly stimulates the production of bile and is used when problems with zholchevyvodyaschimi channels, as well as stones in the liver and gallbladder.

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Magic oil - it is also called cosmetologists. And they certainly know that this most valuable gift of nature is nothing more than the elixir of youth and beauty. Due to its unique composition, olive oil blocks the effect of free radicals, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. With regular use of masks with such an oil, a rejuvenating effect is observed, smoothed fine wrinkles, the skin becomes silky and tender. With burns, wounds and cracks, dry and weathered skin, olive oil will become a real panacea. It has an anti-inflammatory, wound and disinfecting effect. Butter and massages are widely used. In addition to the foregoing, it still helps in combating cellulite and stretching, and can also remove pain when pinching the nerve or injury.

But to extend the olive oil can not only externally, but also internally. Save the clarity of the mind, the memory, the uelocantaltal, which is part of the thinking, will help. It protects the nervous cells from destruction, blocks the development of Alzheimer's disease and protects a person from dementia. That is why olive oil is recommended to include in the diet of elderly, pregnant and children.

Hypertension - the disease of our century. But two tablespoons of olive oil per day are capable of preventing it. A unique combination of oleic omega-9 unsaturated fatty acid and oleuropein, which just gives oil a special bitter flavor, when entering the body, it causes the extension of vessels and, as a result, reduced pressure.

Undoubtedly, olive oil is a valuable and useful product. But excessive use of even such an elixir can cause unwanted consequences.

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