What is useful cocoa

What is useful cocoa

Cocoa, in whatever form, we have to use it, not only a very tasty, but also a very useful product. Perhaps this is why we love chocolate so much? Let's learn more about the benefits of cocoa and its content in a variety of food.

What is cocoa?

As many are already known, it is not only a thick, delicious drink, but more - tropical beans, of which a powder with a similar name is obtained. Cocoa has a light tonic effect due to the theobromin substance, which in addition to beans is only contained in Ostroch-Cola and the Crown of Ostroit. The first European desserts and drinks from cocoa were like Aztec recipes, salt, pepper, vanilla and cinnamon were refilled. Quite quickly medieval doctors discovered the positive effect of the beverage on the state of the cardiovascular system, as well as the tendency to increase the mood. Under the court of Spanish, and later the French kings of Cocoa had a reputation as a love potion and aphrodisiac.

Cocoa in medicine

Popular treatment uses cocoa powder for the treatment of upper respiratory tract from colds. In 2006, studies confirmed that the use of cocoa by 70% reduces the likelihood of platelets gluing, and the epicatechin substance reduces the likelihood of the fourth most common European diseases: get a heart attack or stroke, prevent cancer and diabetes mellitus. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants, as a result, it helps to delay aging, as well as improve the condition of the liver (however, in the case of a cirrhosis, it should be refrained). Interestingly, the content of antioxidants in cocoa is two times higher than in red wine and almost three times - in green tea. Among other advantages:

  • short-term pressure reduction, but without a long result;
  • binding of free radicals;
  • weak acceleration of metabolism and decreased appetite.

Harm Cocoa

Often studies dedicated to cocoa are contradictory and require further development. We give such unconfirmed data below. Believe it, or not - a matter of personal choice. So:

  • Cocoa use can provoke acne appearing. To a greater extent, it is, of course, is associated with various additives, which are contained in products rich in cocoa. In addition to other things, chocolate, drinks, cakes contain a lot of sugar, transgins and carbohydrates, provoking the appearance of skin defects.
  • It is addictive, similar to alcohol and tobacco (the so-called shocolics cannot deny themselves in the use of cocoa products).
  • Perhaps light poisoning of lead, which in excess is contained in the shells of beans. The contamination of the product by other substances is not excluded, in violation of the safety rules in production.
  • Polyphenols in the composition of cocoa reduce the ability of blood to folding.
  • Poisoning of theobromine of pets: It is not recommended to give cocoa and coffee treats to pets, it can lead to severe consequences and even death.

Consequently, the use of cocoa and any other foods must consult with the Rule of Golden Mid. Its consumption in moderate quantities will only lead to positive consequences. While excessive passion for any dish will not bring anything good.

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