Many believe that olives and olives are related fruits. But in fact, they grow on the same tree, which is called "Olive European". By the way, the green and black fruits of different varieties are everywhere called in one word - "olives", while adding their color. And only in Russia in Russia, these bones are divided into "Green Olives" and "Black Olives". Let's figure out than some different from the second.
There is an opinion on the maturity of Oliver fruit: those that have a bright green color - misappropriate, and dark purple color - caused. But this is another delusion! Both those and others are non-seated bone. But the black color they get due to chemical processing. But this applies only to the fruits of the Halkidiki variety, the rest do not change during the conservation of the color. Any untreated bone inherent in a bitter taste. To get rid of it, and it is customary to soak fruits using stabilizers, oxide, iron gluconate E579, as well as oxygen saturation. As a result, the longer exposure of the olive acquire black color. Short processing gives green and a little different taste, more sharp, which is why such fruits stuffed with lemon, anchovies, salmon.Thus, the olives are a certain variety of olives, and not independent fruit. And their black color is nothing more than the result of impact on bone chemicals.