What to do if the employer delays salary

What to do if the employer delays salary

Frequent cases of salary delay by employers. What to do in such cases? Beat an alarm or a little wait? The article will help to figure out.

Before deciding what to do when a salary delay is worth considering the causes of such a problem. In any firm, whether it is a legal or an individual, salary delays happen. There are several main reasons for this:

Related by another enterprise

The stable functioning of any company depends not only on the quality of the decisions taken within the company, but also from other participants in the entrepreneurial chain, namely, from partners. Consider the following example:

You are working in a company that is engaged in the production of dishes. Somewhere in your city a new hotel opened, which ordered you a large batch of goods with the condition of subsequent payment. Thus, giving the batch of dishes, your company does not receive money. Cash will be obtained on the basis of the contract of the hotel and the organization in which you are working. We also imagine that the hotel for some reason can not pay the goods on time. What happens in this case?

Your salary is part of the income of the enterprise. Those funds to get an enterprise from the hotel, but did not receive - part of income. Thus, the delay of the hotel detained your salary. Please note that such hotels may be somewhat, which further complicates the process. Despite this, such cases are quite common in practice and there is nothing terrible in them. They are an integral part of business relationships. If the aforementioned example is the cause of the salary delay, then you should simply wait for a while.


If the reason for the delay is something else, it is worth going to more radical steps. Often dishonest employers come across, which for mercenary purposes delay the issuance of wages. In this case, you can contact the trade union.

The main function of the trade union is the protection of the rights of employees of a particular sphere. Usually, highly qualified lawyers are working in the trade unions with many years of experience. The appropriate trade union will help you understand the true reason for the salary delay and will take decisive steps to eliminate this problem.

Usually in such cases negotiations begin with the employer. If they are not enough, the trade unions will try to open a lawsuit for the purpose of exposing the employer and pay you compensation. Based on 236 articles of the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to pay the full salaries together with interest. This is compensation for damage.

Unfortunately, the practice of appealing to trade unions in Russia is not common. And in vain, because it is a good way to protect your rights and rights of our employees.

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