What is the use of figs?

What is the use of figs?

In the late summer and early autumn, the fruits of figs begin to sleep. Subsequently, the ripe fruits come to the shelves of the counters in fresh, canned or dried. Fresh figs are best acquired in the fall or at the very beginning of winter. Special attention should be paid to the storage of figs, since when not compared to certain rules, he will lose his taste and benefit. It is better not to store fresher in the fresh air more than three days. To do this, it is best to suit hermetically closed banks, also packages will also help.

Food value of figs

This fruit contains a significant amount of sugar. The 100 grams of fresh figs contain 16 grams of sugar, about 70 kcal, 0.8 grams of protein, 0.3 grams of fats and 19 grams of carbohydrates. The calorie content of dried figs is approximately 250 kcal. It contains magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, retinol, sodium and other useful substances.

The benefits of fig

Fig contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements, which means it is very useful for the body. Tell me more about its benefits.

  1. Normalizes the work of the heart. The ficin and potassium contained in the composition normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Helps cope with colds. If you use figs as auxiliary treatment, it will help to cope with the cough, headache and temperature.
  3. He treats inflammation of the guy. Regular rinse of the throat with such a decoction from figs can get rid of Disen diseases.
  4. He treats anemia. In figs contains a lot of iron, so that its flesh is useful to people with low pressure.
  5. Improves appetite and digestion. Regular application of ragger from figs in small quantities will help children and adults improve appetite after several applications.

Also, the decoction of figs helps in the treatment of skin diseases, as well as when the kidney stones appear.


As already mentioned, there are many sugar in figs, so it is better not for people with diabetes in any form, as well as people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fig is a useful product that, with moderate and regular consumption, will saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Dried figs can be a useful alternative to harmful sweets to all losing weight and those who are watching their weight.

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