In the summer, few are avoiding the annoying bites of mosquitoes, bees and OS. Some overtake more unpleasant cases of bite by spiders and ticks. It happens more often on vacation in wet places: not far from the sea or river, in the forest or in the mountains. These insects love wet places. They just delighted because people spend a lot of time in the fresh air in the reservoirs and in the forest.
What to do with the bite of a mosquito?
On hot days at dawn and at dusk, mosquitoes lead an active lifestyle and bite nothing suspects. The bits of mosquitoes occur when the mosquito female probes the skin with his mouth and finds a network of capillaries near the skin surface. In the process of sensing, the Komar releases saliva under the skin of the owner. Saliva contains proteins that the immune system of the owner considers as foreign substances. This causes an immediate immune response at the bite, which causes swelling and itching of the skin at this moment.
Processing bite:
Never scratch bite, you can infect the wreck. You have several options to calm discomfort:
- It is best to cover the bite area with a cold compress or ice cube wrapped in fabric to calm irritation, and then apply a certain ointment.
- Aloe Vera, is a good natural tool that helps soften itching, restore the skin and remove inflammation, preventing its infection and leaving no trace.
- If you do not have any cream at hand, apple vinegar attached to irritated skin will reduce inflammation and will calm the bite.
- Colloid oatmeal is also a very efficient homemade tool to relieve itching caused by bite. Mix it with a small amount of water so that it becomes a viscous consistency, and spread it to the affected area.
- Lemon and eucalyptus oil is a good natural repellent. Use it if you usually suffer from mosquito bites.
- Grind aspirin and add some water to make a paste. Take the paste to the wound, it can help with pain.
- Take, if possible, bath with salt or soda.
What if there are complications after bite?
It is generally a mosquito bite is something harmless, and the consequences are held by themselves within a few days. Nevertheless, they can also cause serious allergic reactions to even transmit disease through blood.
- Be vigilant if mosquitoes bite you. Thus, you can detect an allergic reaction.
- In severe cases, this can lead to anaphylactic shock and death, if not urgently apply. A clinic that identifies complications of this type is based on a strong headache, mental confusion, not very high temperatures, breathing problems.
- All this appears immediately after the bite, which makes it easily diagnosed. This situation is a reason for emergency medical care.
You were bitten by wasp or bee - your actions
- The bite of the wasp or bee is especially painful. The bite of the wasp or bee provokes a local response in the place where the refilled was stool. The man feels pain, itching, the skin can inflame and redden.
- There are two situations that are particularly risky: when it happens in the nose, throat or mouth, since the inflammation caused can interfere with breathing and when a person is allergic to the wasps or bee.
How to act if the bite happened?
- Wash the area of \u200b\u200blesion with water with soap.
- If the sting remains inside, carefully remove it with a disinfectant tweezers.
- Do not compress that the poison does not spread.
- Take the antiseptic.
- Apply cold to the place of bite.
- If there is discomfort, apply a special ointment.
- If itching is too intense, accept antihistamine is preferably orally.
- One of the simplest means to calm the bite is onions. Onions quickly find, so it can be used practical immediately after the bite. Just cut a slice and attach to the lesion meter.
- Another 100% natural ingredient, which works very well when it comes to the removal of the ukuso ferry, this is honey. It has a large antiseptic ability, so it is one of the best funds for those people who have many bites in different field areas.
- Keep calm.
When do you need medical care?
- Every year, a thousand people die from severe allergic reactions to the bite of the wasps or bee. When a person knows in advance that he is allergic, he must take all precautions to avoid the problem. In addition, you should always have a drug that needs to be administered in the event of a bite.
- It is better to seek medical care when after the bite of the wasp or bee a man is experiencing:
- Dizziness.
- Unconscious.
- Convulsive state.
- Bronchospasm (spasms in bronchops that prevent air passing into the lungs).
Your actions when tick bite
Although most ticks are harmless, and everything you need to do is remove them. You must know the symptoms of the diseases transmitted by the ticks to prevent potentially dangerous states such as Lyme disease. As a rule, ticks are found at pets, in high grass and in the forest. Ticks bite people to eat their blood. Although it sounds serious, the treatment of tick bite is a simple process that requires a visit to a doctor.
After the tick is detected, you must:
- Capture ticks tweezers as close to the skin.
- Pull the strong and confident. Do not twist and do not pull, make it smooth movements.
- If the mouth of the tick still stayed in the skin, try to remove it with a tweezers. If you can not do it, leave the remnants alone before visiting the doctor.
- Clean the wound with water with soap, treat vinegar. This will prevent the infection and will make the wound clean.
- If you have, apply a pharmacy antibacterial cream on the wound.
- IMPORTANT: Place the body of a tick into a dry jar or polyethylene cukes for subsequent identification for the presence of a disease.
- If you have a swelling sequence in your place, the selection of pus, the red stripes coming from the center of bite, urgently consult medical care.
General recommendations that will help reduce the likelihood of insect bites in the fresh air include the following:
- Avoid spirits, varnishes and other perfumery products.
- Avoid clothes very bright colors.
- Do not let your child walk or play outdoors with barefoot legs.
- Processing your child's clothing with a repellent for children.
- Make sure your child avoids the hives and the OS.
- Teach your child to, if the insect is flown, it should remain calm and slowly leave.
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