Modern cosmetology offers many means to remove unwanted vegetation on the body. But how did the hair on the legs and the hands of the woman in the old days, when they did not have these cosmetic benefits of civilization? They applied to Mother-nature, and she came to help them. One of these foreign funds is the "Duram ordinary" plant, which is quite effective for hair removal.
In what kind of dope is used to remove hair
The hair will first fall out, and then they will stop growing at all if the skin is treated with the following compositions:
- tincture of dope on alcohol or vodka;
- oil tincture of dope;
- water decoction of Durmana.
Choose some kind of tool and start removing your hair. Alcohol tincture can be purchased in Internet pharmacies or prepare independently. Also, independently can be done and the water decoction of dope, which in its action will be slightly weaker than the alcohol tincture. But the oil tincture is better to buy over the Internet, because at home it is very difficult to cook it. For oil tool, the extractor of their grass is used, which can be obtained only in conditions of specialized production. The best of their three is the oil tincture, because it also moisturizes the skin - this is especially important for very dry skin.
Preparation of tincture on vodka or alcohol
Take half a cup of crushed dope seeds and pour them with vodka (375 ml). Place the mixture in a dark bottle or jar, close the lid and put in the storage room. Insist the seeds on vodka at least three weeks, and then strain. To make a tincture of alcohol, first tear Its water to a fortress of 40 degrees, and then fill with this solution of seeds. Alcohol tincture is better to apply on the skin, which is prone to fat.
Preparation of water beam
Dry the grass of Durana (100 g) fold into the bucket and pour it with hot water (250 ml). Boil a mixture of 30 minutes, and then allow it to cool completely. After cooling, leave the lattice with grass and water for 24 hours in a dark place and only after that strain the decoction. Water decoction can be used absolutely on any skin, but, like other means with dope, after a preliminary test on the skin sensitivity.
How to use tin tures for hair removal
In order to remove hair on hand and legs forever, follow these rules:
- Use any selected tool daily and only once.
- Apply the tincture of the skin and well-dried towel.
- Alcohol or oil tincture applies a cotton swab on his feet and hands for one hour, then wash off with ordinary warm water. Water decoction hold 2-3 hours on the legs, but if there is no allergic reaction (burning or redness).
- Water, alcohol or oil tincture, apply for 3 months in a row on problem areas. After this course, take a monthly break. A month later, the course repeat.
Use the dope tincture only on legs or hands and never in armpits or bikini zone. In the last two places, the skin is very tender, and the dome can burn it. Aggressive effect on the skin is due to the presence of a large number of alcoholoids in the plant. It is they who depress the hair onions that gradually lose the functions of reproducing new hair.
Cautions for the use of Navy with Durant
Duram in any of his form categorically contraindicated:
- pregnant and lactating women;
- people suffering from diabetes;
- patients with any skin diseases;
- epileptics;
- women and men with renal failure.
The dope really helps to get rid of hair, but at the same time can cause headache, tachycardia or confused. If, upon the first use of the tincture, you have noticed the data of the manifestation, immediately wash the skin from the skin and never use them anymore. Look for yourself a safer way - read it in the article. "How to remove hair forever."