How to dilute alcohol

How to dilute alcohol

So it turned out that she loves hot drinks in Russia. The most famous is Russian vodka, which enjoys greatly popular outside Russia. Vodka industry produces the most diverse, but if you have already tried it all, then do homemade. To do this, you need to dilute the alcohol that you have at home.

Usually alcohol is produced by a fortress of 96%, and vodka has a lower fortress - 40%. Therefore, in order to get vodka from alcohol, you need to add water to it. Water takes only perfectly clean: spring, distilled or crane, but missed through a water filter.

So that a strong burning alcohol has become delicious exclusive vodka, it is necessary to observe strict proportions for its dilution: two parts of the alcohol and three parts of the water. Taking 500 ml of alcohol and the rank of 750 ml of water into it, the result is 1250 ml of vodka - excellent portion!

If the alcohol is divorced for any other needs, besides eating it inside, the breeding can be finished. But if the homemade vodka is going to put on the table, it is worth it to be made. For each liter of diluted alcohol, add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of sugar and a tiny pinch of citric acid. Shake the bottle well and leave to "mature" for 2-3 days. You will see what soft and pleasant vodka you will succeed.

It may happen that there were many salts in the water - then unappetizing flakes may fall in the final product. If this happened, add 5-6 tablets of activated carbon to the bottle. After two or three hours, strain the diluted alcohol through the filter paper. Divorced alcohol can be clear And other methods - choose which you like more.

In addition to 96% of alcohol, 70% are often found. Such alcohol is divorced completely in another proportion: 100 ml of alcohol and 78 ml of water.

There are cases that you need to breed alcohol not a traditional fortress. In the table, which is located below, you can find data on how much water should be added to the alcohol of different fortress to get a liquid of a certain fortress. For example: in 1000 ml of alcohol with a fortress of 80% (first column, the fourth line below) you need to add 630 ml of water (sixth column, the fourth line below), as a result, it turns out the vodka with a fortress of 50% (sixth column, fourteenth line below).

In no case, do not try to breed technical ethyl alcohol - there are many extraneous impurities in it and it can greatly harm the body. For breeding and further use, only pure medical is suitable.

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