How to treat rapid pulse

How to treat rapid pulse

Cardiac rhythm changes due to nervous tension, emissions of adrenaline, excitement, overeating, physical exertion, lack of vitamins of group B and various diseases. If you have a periodically spent the pulse without visible reasons, this has not yet indicated the presence of a disease. But you need to think about your health.

If the rapid pulse occurs together with elevated temperature, take the preparations that lower the heat and try to reduce the body temperature. With increasing temperature by 1 degree, the pulse rises by 10 shots. Therefore, in this case it is very important to take measures to treat the disease that caused the temperature. You will be helped by such drugs such as paracetamol, pharmacyrtron, ibuprofen, etc.


If you have noticed that with increased physical exertion, the pulse is rapidly attacks, stop. Just take a break and sit for some time in a relaxed atmosphere. In this situation, the rapid heartbeat testifies to a sharp change of the usual lifestyle. Most likely you began to do physical exertion recently, so the body has not yet managed to get used to it. Just reduce the intensity of workouts, but gradually add the load.

If the pulse begins to be high in a dream or in another calm state, try to reach fresh air. Small throat drows out cool water. With each throat, delay your breath. This technique will allow you to adjust the heart rate. If this state is periodically repeated, refer to the neurologist and cardiologist. You need to be examined and find out the reason for this well-being.

If you have greatly overtook and notice the tagging of the pulse, try to calm down. Make a deep breath and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Accept Corvalol or Valocardine. 30 drops will be enough to normalize the heartbeat. You can also make a carotid artery massage. There is a wandering nerve, which leads to normal the frequency of abbreviations. First, massage the right side of the neck, then the left. If you will massage two sides at the same time, fainting can happen.

Your pulse can periodically be honored due to irregular sleep, poor-quality and irregular nutrition, lack of physical exertion and control of oneself. If you notice that cardiac rhythm is raised from time to time - simply change the lifestyle. Try to go to bed early, eat healthy food at the same time, drink more water and play sports. Running in the evenings will have a beneficial effect on health and allow you to quickly sleep.

Use the above methods, but if your condition does not improve - be sure to consult a doctor. Perhaps for a while you will have to drink preparations, after which the pulse stabilizes. Most often, the elevated pulse indicates problems with the nervous vegetative system.

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Nyura. 20/11/2018 at 7:35.

I had a rapid pulse at the beginning of menopause ... Then even really "hearty" drugs did not help ... Therefore, it began to take cycles and infusions on the mother-like that, that's all together and worked ... So I think in such cases I need a special approach in such cases - It all the same hormones manifest themselves so.

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