Why can not kill spiders?

Why can not kill spiders?

Spiders - insects that cause panic and horror in most people. A natural impulse of anyone who sees them, a desire arises immediately to kill any heavenly means. However, there is an opinion that it is impossible to kill spiders in any way. For what reasons you can not do this? Is there reasonable explanations or prohibition based only on superstitions from the distant past?


  • It is believed that the murder of a spider living in a person's house is able to impose multiple diseases and severe diseases. Why? Previously, when medicine was still at a primitive level, and the treatment of people with various folk remedies, a web, the treatment properties were attributed to the treatment of people. By killing spiders, a person deprives her house of web, and accordingly, the method of healing.

  • Spiders were considered insects attracting happiness in the house. And they did it just with their web. If the web will stop moving, as a result of the killing of spider, then happiness, peace and peace will leave the dwelling.
  • There is a sign that says that killing Spider, a person has a nose misfortune to his head. And the less the insect died of his hands, the larger than the tragedy.
  • Catch on your body spider - to wealth or gift. If the caught insect is killed, then no gift to dream of any gifts.

Religious look

In various religious exercises, there is a legend, which says that it was the spiders who were repurchased the Savior (in various versions it is Jesus, Magomed, Moses) from an imminent death. Favoring the persecution of enemies, he hid in the cave, and spiders living there, the caskets of the web and pursuers did not enter the cave, as they decided that no one had already entered the century. That is, it turns out that it is impossible to kill spiders, as they saved the Messiah and this insect patronizes the divine providence.

Scientific approach

  • The presence in the apartment or house of spiders does not speak the antisanitarian. They appear in the premises completely by chance, choosing their habitat randomly. At the same time, spiders carry a very useful mission - with the help of their web hunt for annoying midges, mosquitoes, flies and other unpleasant annoying insects, which are not allowed to live quietly, and they also cause pain and harm to human bites. And also are the difference in infection and infections. The killing of spider will deprive people of this kind of defense.

  • Ordinary homemade small spines are not able to harm the person, and the benefits of them are still more.

Universal concepts

There is nothing terrible in that at the sight of spiders, most people cover panic. People may be afraid of anything. But this does not mean that the subject of his fear must certainly kill. Spiders are living beings and they have full right to life. And no one can take it unreasonably, based only on their own phobias. Spiders usually do not attack people, and the murder of defenseless insect is simply inhuman.

It turns out that the grounds forbidding the murder of spiders, quite a lot, can be chosen, which seems most rational and convincing. The main thing is to remember that the murder of any living being is not the norm, even if they cause genuine horror and panic. The right to life is a global humane concept, which no one has canceled.

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