Why yellow garlic in spring - what to do?

Why yellow garlic in spring - what to do?

Very often, at the beginning of the spring, the commemoration of winter garlic proceeds from under the snow, yellow and dry. Many gardeners are in a hurry manner begin to water, fertilize, loosen, insulation garlic landing. But in order not to make a mistake in the chosen tactic and do not harm vegetable culture, it is necessary to determine exactly, which is why the garlic comes. Consider in order what could influence the wilt of garlic and how to deal with it.

Why yellow garlic in spring - natural factors

Sometimes drying garlic feathers directly depends on natural conditions:

  • Subzero temperature. With a shallow cloves, the spring frost can damage the weak roots, and the plant will begin to pull the nutrients from the leaves.
  • Screwing soil. Garlic grows well on neutral lands, and on the rest - worship. Close - on the beds settled the horsette of a field with chicken blindness, then the soil you have sour and garlic in it badly.
  • Drought. With a low winter winter and dry spring, the plant needs moisturizing and if this does not happen, green sprouts are withering on the tips.
  • Failure. With a small content in the land of nitrogen, garlic does not gain a large green mass and the autumn does not cover large heads.

Why yellow garlic in spring - other reasons

Despite the fact that garlic has a sharp specific taste, it is amazed by infections and different pests, which leads to early yellowness of the greenery.


  • White rot - fungal disease, in which the leaves dries off and the bulbs areep. Manifests in early spring with nitrogen deficit.
  • Rust. The leaflets are covered with red spots and specks and die away over time. The disease is active in a rainy time.
  • Fusariosis begins to appear when excessing moisture (excessive watering or wet spring).
  • Black mold first softens the heads, then the leaves dry out and twist.


  • The Lukovoy Fly puts fine eggs under the soil lumps, the larvae are outlined, they will spread, settle on the plants and eaten juicy flesh.
  • Strong nematode. Leaves are brighten and twisted. Call the plant and look at the roots, if they are rotten and grayish on appearance - they spoiled the pests-worms. These specimens of garlic destroy.

Why yellow garlic in spring - prevention

Finding out the causes of early drying of greenery, refer to protective measures:

  • When landing, deepen the cloves at least 7 cm, then garlic will not get out of winter and spring. Water shooting on the following calculations: in drought - water bucket by 1 square meter. m., in moderate weather - two times less.
  • For the deoxidation of the soil, lime it, adding a dolomite flour or ash with a peroxide - 400 g per square meter.
  • So that the leaves do not fade, sprinkle the garlic plantation of ammonia Selitra, taking 2 tbsp. l. by 1 square. m.
  • To avoid diseases, soak planting slices in a solution of manganese or drugs, such as "Maxim", "Phytosporin" and disinfect the soil, shed it with copper vitrios (read the instructions on the package).
  • Babushkina recipes will greatly cope with pests. Scroll at the end of April the leaflets of sifted ash, and the aisle is ground red pepper.
  • From nematodes to land along the edge of the marigold beds, their fragrance will attract harmful insects. Flowers will die, but will save harvest.

So, find out the reason for the wilting of garlic and decide what to do: to feed, treat or apply agricultural engineering.

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