Why yellow leaves from cucumbers?

Why yellow leaves from cucumbers?

Growing vegetable crops, gardeners are still faceting various problems. Frequently common is the yellowing of the leaves of cucumber. What can this situation be related to?

Failure to follow the rules of care

The most common reason for the appearance of yellow sites on the foliage of cucumbers is due to the violation of the culture care technology.

  • Wrong watering of plants, which leads to insufficient saturation of the culture of moisture. This situation can be formed not only as a result of rare irrigation, but also when watering with a small amount of moisture. As a result - dehydration plant and yellowing of his foliage. The indicator of the correct and competent irrigation is the moistened soil at a depth of 10 cm.
  • Excess moisture can lead to plants. In this case, foliage will also turn yellow and gradually die.
  • Lack of light. This factor is the most common cause of the yellowing of the lower foliage tiers. If the problem does not apply to all the plant, the situation does not require special correction. Do not forget to periodically delete dying leaves.

Violation of the thermal regime as towards increasing and decreasing.

  1. Low temperatures are stress for the shoots of cucumber. The work of its root system is disturbed. As a result - the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves or and completely complete yellowing of foliage.
  2. No less adversely affect the straight-burning sun rays, especially if water drops remained in the heat on the cucumber leaves after irrigation. To prevent the foliage solar burn, water the plant early in the morning or in the evening, shortly before the sunset.
  • The optimal temperature regime that the cucumbers need to begging the first fruit is 22-24 in sunny weather and 20-22, if on the street is overcast (at least 17-18 at night). When the first cucumbers appear on the shoots of the plants and until the end of the fertility period, the plant requires higher temperature indicators. Day temperatures should be in the range of 23-26, at night the thermometer column should not fall below 18-20
  • Lack of fertilizers. During the growth period, the culture is particularly in dire need of nitrogen stern. The yellowing and drying of foliage and culture roots indicates a lack of potassium and magnesium. The appearance of bright green streaks on a yellow leaf background speaks of the need for iron and manganese. If the wishes are the tops of the cucumber, the culture lacks copper. This factor is not too common, but also meets.

Defeat culture with infection and pests

  • Defeature of culture pests. The main enemies of the cucumbers are the whitebird, aphid and a web tick. At the same time, the leaves are most often pale, but they can acquire a yellow shade. The only way to struggle in this case is the processing of culture with chemical compounds or folk remedies.
  • Culture disease. Most often, cucumbers are subjected to fungal lesions (fusariosis, piths). In this case, first on the foliage appear separate stains of the rusty shade, then the defeat spreads to the entire sheet, which subsequently disappears. The impetus to the development of fungal lesions often gives a sharp temperature difference when the heat is replaced by cooling and rain.

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