On the cucumbers empty - what to do?

On the cucumbers empty - what to do?

The emptiness on cucumbers is quite frequent. Do not panic when identifying men's colors on the garden. We recommend, it is rather to get acquainted with the reasons for the formation of pigtail and how to eliminate them.

On the cucumbers, emptyweed - seeds for sowing

The cucumber is formed from the female flower - the pestle, and the male flower - the stitch, is necessary for pollination. Male flower is called empty, because it can not be fruit. Gardeners who collect seeds independently from their beds, and do not buy seeds from proven suppliers, most often face the problem of plentiful formation of empty. For sowing cucumbers, use seeds with a four-year exposure from the female cucumber, since young seeds often give a lot of empty. If such seeds are not available to purchase, then use seeds of two, three years of exposure from female cucumber. When using seeds from a male cucumber, also not to avoid the appearance of a blower. The female cucumber has a fourfold shape, and the man's - triangular.

When using young seeds, they must be warm up for several months. To do this, place the seeds in a warm place, for example, over the battery, in the kitchen, etc. This will significantly reduce the amount of empty. Seeds of hybrid cucumbers do not need to warm up. Also to improve the germination of soaking seeds in a manganese solution or special purchased solutions.

On the cucumbers empty-flow - wrong care

In order for the cucumbers to be, as much female flowers and, accordingly, less male, it is necessary to ensure the correct care.

  • Watering. If you water the cucumbers too often and abundantly, it will form a stagnation of water in the soil, which will lead to the formation of not fruitful flowers. Also, abundant irrigation contributes to the root of the roots, falling down the foliage, the development of diseases and, ultimately, the death of the plant. Watering the cucumbers to carry out pre-prepared water. To do this, it is necessary to gain water in the tank in advance in order to be warmed. The optimal water temperature for watering cucumbers is 20-25 degrees. After the cucumbers bloom, watering is desirable to reduce. It will provoke a plant to the formation of female flowers, after their appearance to water the cucumbers are needed in normal mode. With a decrease in temperature to 13-15 degrees, watering cucumbers should be suspended.
  • Lighting. When choosing a place to land cucumbers, we pay attention to the fact that the cucumbers love the light and are painfully experiencing its shortage. In the absence of proper lighting, emptyweight may appear. Also watch out how the cucumbers are close to each other close, because the shadow they drop, equally creates a darkening.
  • Air temperature. A decrease and increase in ambient temperature negatively affects the development of cucumbers. In the heat, over 27 degrees, male pollen becomes sterile and does not fulfill its function. The effects of cold on the roots of the plant slow down the development.
  • Feeding A shortage or oversupply of feeding can cause the appearance of a padded. When the nitrogen fertilizer and a shortage of potash, phosphate, the plant begins to live together. Green plants grow rapidly, but does not create fertile colors. For the season, feed cucumbers no more than 4 times.

On the cucumbers emptying - pinching

At the very beginning of the stem, men's flowers grow, and only then alternately with fruitful flowers. On lateral processions of plants, more female flowers and directly closer to the top of the stem. Paging of cucumber stem will encourage the origin of fruitful flowers. Early cucumber grade must be segged after 8-10 sheets. For cucumbers of late varieties after 6-8 sheets of the stem. This manipulation will lead to an increase in the number of female colors, as well as to a decrease in the precompania of the bed.

If there are a large amount of empty on cucumbers, do not rush to turn them off. Men's flowers are needed for natural fertilization of flowers. In case you break all the men's flowers, then in a few weeks, women's flowers will start slugging and turning not fertilized. You can also desolate female flowers yourself, thoring emptyweight and bring to a fruitful flower, thereby transfer pollen from one flower to another.

In compliance with the above councils, you will get a generous crop of cucumbers.

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