Yellow leaves of cucumbers - what to do

Yellow leaves of cucumbers - what to do

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetable crops in the country areas. Crispy green cucumbers are good both in fresh and canned form, everyone loves them - from Mala to Velik. It is easy to grow cucumbers and die even novice gardens. But, in the process of growing cucumbers, almost all dackets face the same problem - the leaves yellow on the cucumbers. What are the reasons for the yellowing of foliage and what to do to avoid this and save the harvest?

Why yellow leaves of cucumbers are the main causes

Cucumbers are a sensitive and thermal-loving culture, irregular watering and gardening can lead to the fact that the leaves begin to dry, turn yellow and covered by stains. Before protecting the landing of cucumbers from drying, it is necessary to figure out the main reason for the yellowing of foliage.

  • Lack of light. The yellowing of the lower leaves of cucumbers is a frequent phenomenon that does not affect the yield. This is due to the fact that the tops of the cucumbers quickly grow up and the sun's rays simply do not fall on the lower leaves. In addition, they are closed from the sun powerful leaves from the top rows. To solve this problem, it is enough to remove the drying leaves from the lower rows.
  • Incorrectly selected landing site. Despite the fact that the cucumbers relate to a thermal-loving culture, the plant does not endure scoring sunlight throughout the day. Being all day in a heat, under the hot sun, yellowing not only the leaves, but also a cucumber ovary. Therefore, for the cultivation of cucumbers should be given preference to the sections, where the sun will be the sun, and the afternoon is a light half.
  • Wrong watering mode. The cucumbers need a sufficient volume of moisture, so you need to follow the moisture of the soil. In case of insufficient watering, the roots of the plant begin to make their way to the surface of the soil and, pouring, lead to the yellowing of the leaves. No less dangerous for cucumbers Excessive humidifier, especially during rainy summer. Moisture, not soying to evaporate, negatively affects the root of the plant and leads to its loading. Root rotes, and shoots and the leaves of cucumbers are yellow. Therefore, at the first signs of the yellowing of the tops, it should normalize watering the beds. Also, you should not water the cucumbers in the heat to prevent the leaves burn.
  • Drops of temperature. A sharp decrease in temperature leads to a stress of the plant, the result of which is the yellowing of the leaves (necrosis).
  • Lack of fertilizer in the ground. If watering cucumbers is carried out normally, they have enough moisture, but the leaves continue to turn yellow, most likely, the plant lacks fertilizers. During the actual growth, the cucumbers especially need nitrogen. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves begin to shrust. When drying and yellowing the edge of the leaves, the plant needs to be filled with potassium and magnesium.
  • Fungal diseases and viruses. The cause of yellow leaves and their twisting may be malicious dew, and brown spots may be a consequence of infection of planting fungal diseases: fusariasis, pithyosis. To avoid infection, it is necessary to take prophylactic measures and process the cucumbers with a bordrian liquid solution.
  • Pests. Yellow and dry leaves can be amazed tool or a spider tick, which are located on the inside of the leaves and feed them with juice. To destroy pests, a spraying of beds insecticides is used.
  • Aging leaves. Over time, by the end of the summer, photosynthesis ceases in the leaves of cucumber, which leads to their yellowing and drying. This is a natural development process of any plant.

Methods to combat the yellowing of the leaves on cucumbers

By eliminating the main cause of the yellowing and drying of the leaves, you can return the landings of fresh, green look. If the leaflets began to turn yellow, the spraying of the beds with folk remedies is applied:

  • The use of a solution of dairy serum (kefir) in proportion (2 liters per 10 liters of water). To better tied young cucumbers, add 150 g of sugar to this solution.
  • Solution of milk and economic soap. In a bucket of water, dissolve 1 l of milk, 30 g of soap and 40 drops of iodine. Soap solution It is necessary to spray the beds as soon as the first yellow leaves appeared. Repeat processing every two weeks.
  • Watering and spraying the bushes with infusion of the onion husk will help get rid of pests and eliminate the yellowing of the leaves. Take about 0.5 kg of husk and pour the water bucket. Bring to a boil and insist under the lid 12-15 hours. The effectable concentrated infusion must be diluted with water (1: 2)
  • Mind the aging leaves helps spraying the bush with the infant of the heavy hay. It is necessary to soak the hay in the water in proportion (1: 1) and leave to appease 2 days.

The yellowing of the leaf on cucumbers - prevention

To eliminate the yellowing of the leaves and barriers and collect a rich crop of cucumbers, preventive measures should be observed:

  • Squeeze the cucumbers every year at the new location of the land. Avoid those places where pumpkin or zucchini previously grew to avoid infection of the beds with fungal diseases.
  • Exercise timely watering, observing all the rules.
  • Mulch beds in a timely manner. Thanks to the thick layer of mulch under the bush, moisture remains longer.
  • Conducting feeding favorably affects yields and does not lead to yellowing of foliage.

Observing all the rules of care when growing cucumbers and applying our advice, you can avoid such trouble as yellow leaves on cucumbers and collect abundant harvest.

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