Yellow onions on the garden what to do

Yellow onions on the garden what to do

Without the bunch, it is difficult to do in the kitchen, so this culture can be found on any garden. It is not much difficult to grow onions, but sometimes it happens that the bow begins to yellow. Why it happens?

If the feathers began to turn yellow before the deadline, most likely, an abundant harvest can not be waiting, you need to take action.

Why yellowing onions on the bed

There may be several reasons: it is the wrong plant care, pest attack, disease.

If the leaves change their color closer towards the end of summer, this is the norm and means that the onions ripe and it just needs to be removed from the site. There are early varieties of plants, then yellowing also begins before and this does not need to be afraid. Another thing, if it happened before the deadline (the end of August) and the bow began to yellow. The reason may be in improper care.

If in the middle of summer, onion feathers began to swiftly yellow, it can happen because of:

  • Irregular watering.
  • If summer is too roast and there was no rain.
  • Or, on the contrary, it was too much rain.
  • There is not enough nitrogen in the soil.
  • Plants attacked pests.

Yellow onions on the garden - how to stop the process

First you need to try to find out the reason for the yellowing of the bow, if it is drought, then you just need to follow the watering mode and prevent the soil drying. For the normal development of the plant, in the soil it is necessary to make fertilizers with nitrogen, and also to ensure that the plant does not attack pests.

The most important enemy of the Republic of Luke is a leek fly, it damages the bulbs, and this in turn leads to the yellowed feathers.

How to determine the cause? It is necessary to remove the damaged plant from the ground and carefully try to try the bulb. If it is soft, it became literally decaying in your hands, then this means that the plant attacked pests. To make sure it is, just cut the bulb into 2 parts, inside you will see the larch of flies.

How to deal with onion flies and not only:

  • Methods of struggle are a lot. Let's start with those that advise experienced agronomists. For example, it helps to get rid of the problem and get a shameful harvest, such a way. You need to sow onions together with carrot seeds.
  • On the same place onions grow undesirable. Only after 3-4 years, you can return to the previous place.
  • In the fight against onion flies will help the drug "Fufanon".
  • Folk methods are also good: take the usual salt (200 g) and spread in water (10 l). This strong solution needs to be polished, just need to try to do everything correctly. The saline solution should not get on feathers.
  • After landing when the plant reaches in growth to 5 cm, you can pour the plant with a salt solution for the first time. The second time - only after 20 days. Water carefully so that the liquid falls only on the bulb, the excess of salt water in the soil can lead to salinization.
  • Other scaretings: lime + tobacco dust. Such a substance can handle plants throughout the summer.
  • By the period of ripening onion, watering should be reduced to save the yield.
  • Fighting diseases: leek rot, bacterial rot and rust. These are the most common flashes, as well as garlic. If an infected landing material is planted, it is no longer possible to get rid of diseases. You can prevent development: carefully select the bulbs, follow the watering mode in the process of growth and spray from pests.

Timely prevention, compliance with the regime of irrigation and making feeding will help to avoid unpleasant phenomena and get an excellent harvest.

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