Why yellow leaves from zucchini?

Why yellow leaves from zucchini?

Garders often face a problem when zucchini leaves are yellow. In such a situation, you need to understand the cause and determine the methods of combating this phenomenon. The yellowing of foliage is observed during the period of vegetation. If this happens in the fall, this is considered the norm, and if during active growth, then you need to beat the alarm.

Too dense landing

In this case, the lower leaves lack light, so they turn yellow. To prevent rotting you need to delete them on time. Otherwise, this phenomenon can spread to neighboring bushes. Store vegetables on yellow leaves can not, it will lead to their winding. In the case of a thick landing, you need to remove extra plants.

In addition, the zucchini does not like the soil watering. For this reason, it is important to add ash and humus to the wells to be saturated with organic. Sour soil leads to the yellowing of the leaves and fading the plant.

Lack of nutrients

This problem can be determined by the type of culture. This is a significant lagging in the development, no lagging, yellow leaves. In this case, you need to feed the bushes with the following fertilizers: ash, organic and nitrogen. The ideal option is the "maritime" tool, which will eliminate the possibility of overdose. You can also feed the following composition: dissolve in water with a spoonful of urea, floor of a boric acid and vigor spoon. Adding a manganese will warn the development of bacteria.

More yellow leaves may be due to lack of mineral substances. The process begins with the bottom leaves, then gradually covers the entire bush. To avoid this, you need a nitrogen feeding. With a lack of moisture, which delivers nutrients to the leaves from the soil, chlorophyll is not produced. Therefore, you need to constantly feed nitrogen and moisturize as needed.

Puffy dew

The disease amazes different garden crops:

  • At the beginning, white spots appear on the leaves.
  • Gradually, they increase and completely capture the sheet.
  • The leaves are yellow, then dry.
  • The disease can cover all the plant and deprive his leaves, destroying the landing.

Mute fungus develops quite quickly. To prevent it, you need to remove the remains of infected plants. In the fall, you need to drain the ground to reduce the risk of mildew. If the disease appeared on the leaves, then the plant should be treated with burgue liquid.


This fungal disease amazes culture at different stages of growth. It occurs during greenhouse cultivation:

  • Light spots on the leaves over time become dirty yellow. It seems that the sheet is burned by the bright rays of the sun.
  • They will then raise and dry. Infection proceeds to the fruits, as a result of which they rot.
  • To combat the disease, you must eliminate the patient seedlings, remove contaminated plants, spray with a colloidal gray or burglar mixture.

Cobbled tick

He quickly destroys the zucchini, as a result of which the tops yellow. This insect can be detected immediately - this is a thin web on the back of the sheet. At the same time, the sheet receives a mosaic color, yellowing and dries. Fight with tongs in the following ways:

  • Processing with solid ash and economic soap. On half a kilogram of ashes take 5 liters of water, and graze a piece of soap. Spray before getting the necessary effect.
  • Infusion of potatoes tops. Choise the plant and pour water, insist for 10 days.
  • A solution of ash, garlic, beam chamomile. The triple action of the components ensures an excellent result of getting rid of the pest. For cooking, you need 2 garlic heads, pollogram of ash, 5 liters of ragger chamomile. Three treatments with the same intervals will help to get rid of the tick.

Errors in watering and cold

Zucchini have a large foliage that needs moisture much more of their neighbors in the garden. But if you watered wrong, then the leaves can yellow. It is important to choose for watering the right time. The perfect period is the morning or evening. In no case can not do this during the day when the wet leaves under the rays are burned. As a result, the leaves of the zucchini can yellow.

The leaf structure of the plant is gentle, so they do not tolerate the cold. Loosen the plant can in May and June, when the weather has not yet been improved. In such a situation, you need to grow seedlings from June, and in the greenhouse conditions from May.

Yellow leaves in seedlings

The yellowing of foliage can be both an adult plant and seedlings. This happens due to nitrogen shortage. Plant can be saved at the first signs of the disease, if the plate is completely damaged, it is better to plant new ones. Two weeks after the appearance of sprouts, nitrogen-containing feeding should be carried out. This will allow you to save the culture from yellowing and make it more resistant.

Zucchini is a favorite culture of gardeners. She is unpretentious, gives a high harvest and requires minimal care. If you follow the rules, you can grow a life-in-law culture.

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