Why yellow geranium?

Why yellow geranium?

Geraniums are very popular decorative plants that can be easily found in any garden. Although the most cultivated species have high-resistant climatic conditions, sometimes we ask ourselves why my geranium has yellow leaves. To find an answer, we must know in detail the conditions necessary for growing these plants so that they are healthy and please us with flowers.

Excessive irrigation

  • Irrigation is very important for grown plants. We often think that the more water we give them, the better it will be. But reality is not always like that. Whether we will do little or water - geranium will have problems. In the case of excess irrigation, the lower leaves will begin to turn yellow, and ultimately fall. The plant will look sad.
  • What to do? Most advantageously remove the plant from the pot, wrap the root ball with absorbent paper and leave it in a place protected from the direct sun, to the complete soil drying. Then transplant it to the container and treat it with fungicide in the aerosol to prevent the appearance of mushrooms.
  • In winter, geranium keeps pretty dry and only occasionally water.


2)No irrigation

  • Gerani need frequent watering in the summer. While it is recommended to water about three times a week. But when we water less than you need, the leaves become yellow and look sad. In addition, they can be twisted simultaneously from all edges.
  • What to do? Police, of course. Take the pot, and put it in a bowl of water. The land must be well impregnated. Thus, geranium can quickly recover.


Subcontract badly nourishing plant

  • Pelargonium needs loose and fertilized soil. It must be transplanted into the new substrate every two years, otherwise, the roots will end the nutrient, and the plant will begin to weaken. If the leaves on plants (not only geranium) gradually become yellow, it is often a signal of the shortage of nutritional components, especially if the "veins" of the leaves remain greens.
  • What to do? In addition to its transplantation, every two years is very important to feed the plant from spring to autumn fertilizers for flowering plants, following the instructions indicated on the package.
  • Yellow leaves on geranium often indicate a deficiency in the microelegen of iron.

Too little pot

  • As a rule, for Gerani too much a pot is not needed. When geranium grows, her leaves are yellow, because she is too little space. If you transplant the plant in a more spacious pot, the problem will be eliminated.
  • Planting tanks for pelargonium should have a drainage hole and a good drainage, because "wet feet" do not like the fans of the sun.
  • Geranium is ideal for pots or large window boxes (20 x 100 centimeters). You can accommodate about five plants. For good fertilizer and water supply, the box should be at least 18 centimeters.

Hranian diseases

A variety of other factors can also affect the yellowing of geranium leaves:

  • Bacterial diseases. Symptom - appearance of spots on the leaves. Spots appear in the bottom of the leaves, their color is brown. There may be strips on the foliage, and the edges are twisted and fed. How to be? You must delete all the dead leaves in a timely manner, and control the soil moisturizing and the quality of the drainage.
  • "Rust" - This is a fungal disease that leads to the fact that the surfaces of the upper leaves become yellow, brown or spotted. The leaves below have a mass of spores or stains their shades - from yellow to reddish, from orange to brown. Foliage on highly infected plants can root and fall. Rust flourishes in wet conditions, so avoid unnecessary irrigation.
  • "Spottitude." The disease causes fungus. Sign - small spots on the wrong sheet. Subsequently, the stains are painted in brown. What to do? Treat flower fungicides. If you notice the yellow marks on the leaves that are mixed with brown stains, immediately spray the Bordeaux flower.

Get sick

Lighting and temperature regime

  • Pelargonium comes from South Africa. It is fits a hot climate, where the temperature is stable, about 20-30 ° C. Cold is a deadly enemy for these plants. The temperature should not be below 10 ° C, and the frost quickly kills them. In room conditions, the plant feels good.
  • Geraniums should grow in very bright places or on the sun. It is recommended to generate gear to 4-6 hour sunbathing. If they are grown in greenhouses, they must have intense lighting to contribute to the appearance of colors. Light is a very important factor in the flowering of these plants.


Provide proper conditions for geranium, and it will not have problems with leaves. And her flowers will delight you!

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