Why not blooms violet?

Why not blooms violet?

Today in the flower market you can find a variety of varieties of different colors. Many attract beautiful, gentle and bright violets. It often happens so that you buy not a blooming violet waiting that it is about to bloom as in the picture, but this time never comes. Let's find out for which reasons violets may not bloom at home.

Violet variety matters

The first thing is a buyer who has no virique for a long time, decides that the seller who slipped his defective plant. In fact, this opinion is erroneous, and it is categorically if the leaves on the flower are green strong and grow very well, but there is no blossom, then the seller is not to blame at all, you need to look for the true cause of such a flower behavior.

The absence of flowers on the plant can be facilitated by many factors, ranging from a lack or, on the contrary, oversupply of fertilizers and necessary for the normal life of the plant substances, ending with unsuitable water for watering. Let's deal with this in more detail, considering every factor that could play a role in the banner of your violet.

Let's start with elementary things. Variety of violet. If you have purchased a flower and during a couple of months he did not bloom, the whole thing can be in his grade, because some violets can bloom without stopping, only the flowers started. Instead, they immediately appear new, others can produce bloom once in the season or once once every six months, so that this factor also needs to be borne.


The next item of our analysis will become lighting. Did you know that violets are not only beautiful plants, but also too whimsical, so that in order for them to bloom and do not disappear at the moment you will need to make a lot of effort. The light for the considered colors is important, and the absence of color on them can say that they are located in the wrong place. If you see that the leaves are rapidly up, it means that the flower lacks the light.

Lighting should be good:

  • Bright, but at the same time, they immediately disappear, if they put them in a straight ultraviolet.
  • Experienced flowers exhibit violets on the sunny side, but at the same time, after 11 am, each day is closed with special films (or by ordinary newspapers) so that they do not get straight sunlight.
  • Experts suggest that most violets are necessary for the light to fall on them for half a day every day - this is the most comfortable conditions for them.

Feeding, soil and watering it

No less important factor for filial flowering is feeding. Cute flowers are not enough that you are bothering about the lighting for them, they still need a regular feeding, which should be carried out at least once every 7-10 days. It is extremely dangerous to overdo it, because it will lead to the instant death of the plants, sometimes even on the root.

As soon as the flower becomes too much nitrogen, its leaves are yellow due to the fact that he spends all their strength on blossom, but on the growth of steps and foliage itself. You can buy fertilizers for violets in a specialized flower shop. The price of such drugs is not big, so the owner will not clearly go broke on a flower feeding.

Watering the violet needs correctly. If you think that enough when drying the earth is simply gaining water and pour them from above, you are deeply mistaken. Repeat again, these are very picky flowers:

  • a little more fertilizer - do not bloom
  • little feeding - do not bloom
  • little light - do not bloom
  • incorrect irrigation - no waiting for flowering, etc.

So, it is necessary to water the flowers not too often, in any case, it is impossible to pour them, the optimal option for such colors is irrigated by water under the leaves. On the leaves of violet should not fall water - remember it. The land should not displace, but also should not be constantly wet. In the care of violets, the so-called golden middle is needed.

If we talk about the percentage ratio of moisture, then we can say that with a moisture content of 30% the plant will not bloom, and only if the humidity is from 45% - the probability of color will increase several times.

Flowering the violet refuses and in the case of use for its landing of ordinary soil from the garden. It is too hard land, and besides, having high density, and for violet, the Earth must be loose and easy. It is recommended to buy a special land for violets, but do not forget that with time. Even such land becomes too dense and requires replacement (not frequent, but it takes place to be in order to bloody the violet).

The pot is another component that can affect the absence of violet flowering. Inexperienced flowerflowers plant these small flowers in big pots, thinking. That in large tanks they will be spacious. We assure you, violets love small pots, they are cozy and more comfortable in small, so, consider this factor.

Despite the fact that violets grow at home, often they begin to root and suffer from pests. As soon as you noticed any bugs on the violet or the flare. Immediately it is necessary to acquire drugs and "treat" the flower, "otherwise he will not just bloom, he can just die.

As you moth notice, the reasons for the lack of blossom of violet are quite a lot, so find out what exactly the case and correct the situation to see. How wonderful and beautifully blooms your favorite little flower.

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