How to make a bloom of the Decembrist

How to make a bloom of the Decembrist

The botanical name of this plant is Skluberger, and his Decembrist was nicknamed in the people because of winter blossoms. This flower is very good to give friends and loved ones for the new year. The Decembrist is quite unpretentious in the content, but sometimes he begins to capricious. The main problem then becomes the fact that it categorically refuses to bloom. Is it possible to force the Schlumberger to bloom we will try to find out in this article.

How to make the bloom of the Decembrist - check the soil

If you bought green bush already in a pot and he did not bloom in winter, then check the ground first. The Decembrist will feel well and put the flower kidney only in a very loose substrate. Pere out the flower to a new pot and make such a soil: peat, sand and loose land from trees. Take all the components equally. For looseness Also add pieces of forest moss. At the bottom of the pot be sure to lay a decent layer of drainage - it should be in a pot of at least 1/3 from the total volume. Such a powerful drainage is needed for the reinforced removal of excess water - the roots of the Slubbergera with strong moisture can be dried.

Transplantation of spring and pot take just 1-2 cm above and wider than the old one.

How to make the decoration of the Decembrist - choose watering mode

From the beginning of the spring and until the end of the summer, the flower water the flower when the upper layer of the earth will be dry. Experience shows that the Decembrist is enough one or two irons per week.

At the very end of the summer, watering reduce to once in 7-10 days. Artificial drying contributes to laying floral kidney. When the Decembrist blooms in the winter, then also water it once in the same seven or ten days.

How to make the bloom of the Decembrist - we are determined with the lighting

In no case do not put a plant on the southern or eastern window. The bright light and the abundance of heat will go the Decembrist only to harm. It will be best to grow and blossom on the window overlooking the West. It is allowed to put it in the north side.

When Slubberger starts to produce the first floral kidneys, do not rearrange the flower to another window and do not even turn the pot. With a sharp change of plants orientation in space, the Decembrist can reset all the kidneys.

How to make the bloom of the Decembrist - do not forget about the ambient temperature

The laying of flower kidney in the Decembrist occurs when the total temperature is reduced in the room. It is not necessary to reduce it in artificially, because in the fall, with a decrease in the light day, it is in the West window and so rather low. The optimal temperature for laying the kidney and the subsequent flowering of the Decembrist is 10-15 degrees. If you have a too hot battery under your window, it is better to keep the flower on the shelf or bedside table, which are located at some distance from the eastern window.

How to make the decoration of the Decembrist - choose feeding

Almost all home flowers gratefully respond to feeding. The Decembrist is no exception, but then the main thing is not too carned by fertilizers. With proper soil, its humidity, temperature and lighting in the room, the Decembrist will bloom and without additional stimulation. But if you want to achieve very violent flowering, you can make such feeding:

  • Spring, summer, beginning of autumn - 1 time per month. Take any complex fertilizer, but with a reduced nitrogen content.
  • November, December, January - 1 time per month. Buy a special fertilizer for flowering indoor plants.
  • February, March - Do not feed the flower at all.

All fertilizers use strictly following instructions on their use.

How to make the bloom of the Decembrist - read tips

These tips will surely help you in leaving the Decembrist:

  • If you have the opportunity to endure the flower in the summer to the air, then you must do it. Transfer it to the country and put a pot under shady bush.
  • In the autumn you can position the Decembrist on the glazed balcony or loggia. Reducing the temperature is even up to 3-5 degrees, which may be in November, will not damage the flower. At a permanent place in the room flower in the middle of November and at the same time adopt the first time with fertilizer for room colors.
  • If the Decembrists have red sheets, then it speaks of its too much cooling. Bring the flower from the balcony to the room and a few days later the flower will become green.
  • The sluggish leaves from Sklubergers say that you or forget to water the flower and he is too dry, or vice versa, too poured it. In any case, begin to observe watering mode.

And another advice. After the Decembrist will flash, unscrew the top green segments of the leaves, of which flowers grew up. Such rejuvenation will contribute to the fact that in the spring at the place of removal, several new segments of the leaves will grow, each of which many buds appear in each of which. Rejected segments do not throw away, but put in wet sand. Before spring, they will be empty and you can land them into normal soil. By the way, very beautiful and unusual Decembrist flowering is defamed if it is placed in one pot with different colors.

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