How does a fern bloom?

How does a fern bloom?

The old legend states that the girl found a blooming fern, will be happy in love and will marry soon. Believe it with this beautiful fairy tale, solve each particular young person individually. But to find out how the fern blooms to start looking for it, it is necessary.

How does the fantastic blossom describe a fabulous legend describe?

From the mouth of the mouth for a long time, the legend is transmitted that it is not in every forest you can find a blooming fern. He can only grow in a completely wild, more often away from the places where people live. In such a forest, a glade, overgrown with a huge number of ferns, under the canopy of age-old trees, but flowering can only come for one bush and, moreover. If such a bush will find a girl around midnight, it is possible to see how bright kidney begins to grow from his middle right in his eyes.

Literally in a few minutes, the kidney grows in a high blur with a bud at the top. Exactly at midnight, this bud opens and the girl sees a bright huge flower in front of him, which also illuminates the entire glade and trees standing around.

Does the fern bloom at all?

About the blooming ferns people begin to talk before celebrating Ivan Kupala. This holiday was invented by ancient Slavs and celebrate it on the night of summer solstice. It was on this night that on June 24 (according to the old style is July 7), the day is the longest per year, and the night is the shortest one. It is believed that at this time absolutely all plants enter their most violent and luxurious phase of flowering and due to the fact that many sun get. In many vintage books, there are cases of flowering even those plants that, by their nature, bloom in principle cannot. The species of absolutely not blooming green inhabitants of our planet exist quite a lot and that's the fern belongs to such.

Why does the fern not bloom?

Ferns are very difficult to attribute to any particular group of plants, because their species have a huge set. Each species refers to a certain order, and one or another order to a specific family. For the convenience of classification, all these plants, and in nature there are about 2000, relate to fern.

A group of ferns is very close to the group of creeping, i.e. those plants that, such as mushrooms, multiply disputes. We also include mosses, horships, planes and several other plants that multiply disputes. If all the familiar plants are multiplied by flowering, further ripening of seeds and sowing them into the ground, then spores ripen on the back of the leaf. They are in special capsules, similar to pollen and are very easy to learn in the ground.

Flowering fern - no more than a legend?

On the Internet, you can often find pictures on which in the middle of the fern bush is visible a beautiful flower. But this beauty is an ordinary photoshop. With the help of a common and pretty convenient graphic editor, even the usual "kettle" will draw a beautiful flower growing between carved leaves.

There may not bloom any of the varieties of ferns: none that grow in wildlife, nor those that are grown in the country or in the apartment. But the bushes themselves are very decorative and not very difficult in cultivation. If we treat fern with love and care, then not even a flowering plant can decorate a garden area or home garden on the balcony.

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