Why do tomatoes twist leaves?

Why do tomatoes twist leaves?

Tomato is one of the most popular cultures among dachens and gardeners. Mature berries have a pleasant taste and rich chemical composition. In this case, often during the cultivation of the plant arises the problem of twisting its leaves. What can this be connected and how to eliminate this phenomenon?

Infectious lesions

Tomato is a delicate culture, and therefore it is easily subjected to a negative impact of various pests and diseases. The first group forms the causes associated with infectious damage to the tomato.

  • If the plant was exposed to pests (Tsley, a spider tick, whiteflies), in addition to the curled leaves, you will also notice the yellowing and drying of foliage, the appearance of spots on them. The only exit in this case is the spraying of plants with special drugs.
  • In the case of infectious damage, the treatment will be more difficult. If the shoots are infected with tomato bacteriosis (the leaves are not only twisted, but also gradually fade and dry), they will not be able to save them. It is necessary to remove plants, to carry out the soil disinfection with the help of a mortar solution, and after - to plant mustard. The phytoncides of this plant well disinfected the soil, and the pumping tops will become a good fertilizer.

Noncommunicable nature of the phenomenon

There are also more harmless factors provoking leaf twisting. These include:

  • Oversupply or lack of moisture. Excess watering will not benefit your tomatoes. But the tomatoes do not love excessive drought. If the shoots grow on the outdoor soil, it is enough to water them once a week (watering to carry out in 2-3 clips). Make sure that the soil is loose enough. So she can "breathe", and the excess moisture will freely go into the ground.
  • Unbalanced soil saturation with fertilizers. Here, as in the case of watering, it is important to find the "golden middle".
  1. The excess of nitrogen-containing feeding leads to the fact that the plant's stem is thickened, and foliage in front becomes fine and breaking. The solution to the problem in this case will be the tillage of potassium monophosphate (1 tsp for water bucket) or complex fertilizer (2 ppm on 10 liters of water).
  2. In the event of a lack of phosphorus or potassium, tomato leaves are not only twisted, but also change the color - the plates acquire a gray-green shade with a streaks of red-purple color or white spots appear on the surface of the leaf.
  • Too hot weather. The berry is bad to carry the scorching heat (+ 35 ° C and above). If the plants are placed in a greenhouse, try to speed it more often, arrange "drafts".
  • Violations of the passing process. Removal of a large number of stepsing causes stress in the plant. As a result, not only the leaves can be twisted, but also shoot and lose the flowers at all.

A slight twisting of leaves of shoots is the norm for some varieties of tomatoes. This phenomenon is most often observed in the presence of high thin stems (for example, when growing varieties of honey droplets, Oxhart, Japanese crab and Fatima. The main part of Cherry's shoots also has such a feature).

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