How to treat the gooseberry?

How to treat the gooseberry?

In order to get a generous yield of the gooseberry, you need to know the subtleties of its cultivation. Because of various pests and diseases, the crop of the gooseberry can go on zero. In order for this not to happen, it is necessary to identify the cause of the ailment, as well as timely process the bushes with special solutions.

What to treat gooseberries from pests?

If the gooseberry has been submitted to the indulgence of pests, then the first thing to do is to determine their appearance. This will noticeably facilitate the fight against them. The pests of the gooseberry are divided into two types, namely:

  • sucking - the word escape, web tick;
  • rodent - fire, sleeper gooseberry, spine.

The shooting wave begins to manifest himself immediately after the winter, when young shoots appear. She easily tolerates the winter, being in the form of postponed eggs on the branches of the shrub. In the spring of pending eggs, colonies of larvae appear, which begin to suck juice from shoots and leaves. As a result, the leaves are twisted, and the shoots are twisted. To effectively combat the threes, prepare a solution of soda and soap at the rate of 2 tbsp. Spoons of soda per 1 liter of water, after spraying the bushes. In specialized stores, you can purchase solutions derived by chemical path. The affected shoots need to trim and destroy.

The web tick is striking the gooseberry sheets, sucking juice from them, and also flies their web. As a result, the leaves are yellow, dry and tremendous. In the winter period are under fallen leaves or in the ground. In the struggle with the pest, use decoction of wormwood and soap. Also effective are tincture of garlic, pizzy, onion husks. With a large lesion, the bush use insecticides.

Dangerous for the gooseberry is a fire. Data pests, initially damage the gooseberry during flowering. Young caterpillars stretch the berry from the inside, covering her web. As a result, the berries ripen ahead of time and shook.

The fire with ease tolerates winter in the soil, and the spring awakens. If you have noticed that the gooseberry is occupied by fire, then the affected branches do trin, the soil is reappearing and treat with soap and ash or mustard. You can also use Potato Botato, Tomatoes, Channel and Tobacco. Specialized stores provide drugs that are successfully fighting with this pest.

The sawmaker is able to leave the gooseberry branches without foliage in a few days. Berries on such a bush are tremended due to insufficient nutrition. During the cold weather, the sawwriter is located in a paooty cocoon in the soil. To get rid of this pest, disappear with the soil, and after flowering - spray the influence of ash and soap or mustard. Also, a potato, tomato tops are suitable for fighting the sawder.

With a large-scale lesion of the bush of the gooseberry, the spidership, he can perish. This pest, like the saw film, eats foliage and kidneys. In order to get rid of this pest carefully remove the fallen leaves, as well as spray tobacco solutions or special chemicals from the spin.

How to treat the gooseberry for diseases?

The most common diseases of the gooseberry are:

  • puffy dew;
  • rust boils.

Puffy dew covers leaflets and berries with a white bloom, which soon becomes brown. As a result, the plant slows down growth, berries burst and fall. If you do not fight with a fungal disease, after a few years the plant will die. Start with mildewing dew with the arrival of spring. Bowder bushes take boiling water. After you treat them with a solution of soap with wood ash or soda solution. Also, infusion on the cow manure is perfectly struggling with mildewing dew. In the launched forms of the disease, use fungicides.

In case of rust gooseberry, its berries and leaves are covered with stains, then form seals from the dispute. The leaflets are deformed, the berries take the unnatural shape and fall. For the treatment of this disease, use burglar liquid. Spray during the dissolution period of the leaves, after flowering, harvesting.

To get a generous harvest of the gooseberry, you need to follow the condition of the bush and, if necessary, process it. With a quick response to various pests or diseases, you will retain the viability of the plant, as well as a delicious harvest.

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