How to treat the gooseberry from mildew

How to treat the gooseberry from mildew

Many berry shrubs are sick with meal. The bushes of the gooseberry are most suffering from her, but only the varieties of old selection - they all have spines on shoots. If you gathered to breed a gooseberry on the site, then buy it in a reliable nursery and necessarily modern varieties - they have no spikes and the bushes are practically no holy. If you already grow the gooseberry spiny, then you will definitely learn how to treat it from mildew.

Why causes a torpid dew and how it looks like

Puffy dew amazes shrubs that the owners do not pay due attention. So that the gooseberry does not hurt, it is necessary to carry out such manipulations:

  • trim in time, i.e. remove old and sick branches;
  • feed home organic and store complex fertilizers;
  • monitor the soil under shrubs;
  • loose land and lay mulch;
  • remove weeds and collect slugs under the bushes;
  • before flowering and after autumn leaf reset to handle the gooseberry of fungicides and iron vigor.

It happens that even with proper care, the berry shrub is still falling. This may happen in the result of strong temperature drops (during the day - hot, at night - cold), protracted rains or neighborhood with other patients with plants.

Puffy dew looks like a gray or white fly, damaging the leaves first, then berries, and at the end - and all shoots. This fall like flour, so the disease is called. Over time, closer to the middle of summer, the raid from gray turns into brown. Strongly damaged bushes sometimes do not even respond to treatment, so they have to remove them from the garden. Puffy dew is caused by a specific fungus that winter in the soil.

What to treat gooseberries from pulse dew - Shopping drugs

In any garden store you will be offered a huge amount of drugs from this unpleasant disease. The most popular and effective today, it is:

  1. Topaz.
  2. Phytosporin - M.
  3. Gamiir.
  4. Pseudobacterin - 2.
  5. Sighter.
  6. Quadris.

All drugs you must use, strictly observing the appiled instructions. Processing the gooseberry is necessary at the first signs of the disease and several times per season. Break between processing: 7-10 days.

Also very well alternate processing with chemicals with treatment with folk influences and solutions.

How to treat the gooseberry from pulse dew - folk methods

Folk methods are good because the infants and solutions do not harm berries, i.e. They can be calmly to tear and eat. You can not tell this chemical preparations. The gooseberry is in the raw form or cook from it the jam can be only 30-40 days after the last spraying with a topaz or another similar preparation.

Folk recipes are also fairly cheap, therefore, it is better to give preference.

  • Take soda, household soap and water. In one liter of warm fluid, dissolve on a teaspoon of soda and crushed soap.
  • In boiling water (1 liter), pumped wood ashes (half a glass). Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, and then let it be launched 2 days. After this time, the solution is pulled through the gauze and add a tablespoon of liquid soap into it or any detergent for dishes.
  • Buy in the store or on the market for milk serum. Mix it with conventional water in a 1/10 ratio (serum / water).
  • If you have the opportunity to find a fresh cow litter, then a third of his buckets fall to the top cold water. Informy give mature for 10 days. Mix every day. At the end, the solution is picking through several layers of gauze and spread water. It takes 10 parts to 1 part of the infusion.
  • An excellent drug from mildew can be weeds that you remove from beds. Fold them in the bucket (half of the tank) and fill with water (toast). Bucket Cover the lid. Two weeks later, the infusion is strain and mix with water. To one liter of herbal means, add 10 liters of water.

How to handle the gooseberry from pulse dew

  • First of all, remove all the damaged leaves and berries. Leaves that fall on the ground, close and burn.
  • Earth under the bush explosion.
  • Pour into the finely dispersed sprayer heated to room temperature infusion or solution.
  • Treat a bush from all sides, capturing the opposite side of the leaves and the lowest branches.
  • The residues of the solution are soil under the bush.
  • Cut the processing in the evening when the sun has already gone and there is no chance of night rain.
  • For prevention, splash and all neighboring bushes.

And another advice. So that the gooseberry does not hurt, try it on the sunny side of the plot and thin the bushes on time. Thickened bushes are hurt much more often, as they have a favorable wet environment in the middle for the development of pathogenic fungi, causing mildewing dew.

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