How to get rid of aphids on cucumbers?

How to get rid of aphids on cucumbers?

The wave causes irreparable damage to all garden crops. Especially the young plants suffer from her. If the word settles on the gentle leaves of cucumbers, they will stop developing and the ovary on the bushes is not formed. So that the dacket does not stay without cucumbers, it is necessary to start fighting at the first signs of its appearance. Chemical preparations are not necessary to use - they absorbed the fruits and the cucumbers in food will not be used.

How to get rid of aphids on cucumbers - bring ants

It is known that the TLA appears on those garden sites where many ants live. It is they who deal with small sucking insects along the garden and set them on plants. The fight against the tool must begin with the destruction of ants. For this there are several ways.

  • Comerate in the forest or in the field of ordinary ladybugs (red bugs with black spots on the back) and bring them to the site. Ladybugs, when they spread, destroy all the ants in the garden.
  • Around beds with cucumbers. Intect open small jars filled with syrup from jam or very sweet water. Wave jars in such a way that their necks are in the closure with the ground. The ants love sweetly, so along the way to the jackets of cucumbers they will climb into the sweet syrup and sink in it.
  • Buy special glue from ants in the store - it is sold in tubes like a toothpaste. Place the ring, carved for example from old rubber boots around each cucumber. The ring is thickly lubricate with glue, which will not give ants to get to the cucumber shoots.
  • Loss around cucumber beds or ground black pepper, or cinnamon powder, or dry mustard. The ants are very afraid of sharp odors and will bypass the cucumbers side.

How to get rid of thephids on cucumbers - Apply folk methods

If the struggle against ants was not crowned with success and the TLA on the cucumbers had already settled, to bring it with various folk methods.

  • Intelligence in one liter of water a tablespoon of any detergent for dishes, for example, Fairy. This solution is thick sprinkle the cucumber bushes. While the leaves and shoots are still wet, sprinkle their wood ash. Because of the ash, the Tll will immediately die. The means for dishes in this recipe serves as a so-called adhesive, i.e. Those ingredient that will not give ash when it is drying to sprinkle from bushes.
  • Bring it to a boil of 3 liters of water and put in it as much as possible chopped tops from tomatoes or potatoes. Disconnect the gas and give the top water in hot water 3-4 hours. Throw the infusion and spray the cucumbers every morning and every evening. In a few days you will completely forget about the Tel.
  • Grind very small 100 g of garlic and fill it with cold water in the amount of one liter. Hold the infusion in a dark place for 5 days, and then run away from garlic fractions. Divide a fairly unpleasant substantial substance with clean water in a 1/5 ratio (garlic / water) and sprinkle cucumbers. Take this procedure every other day and once a day.
  • Cop in a lot of dandelions field. Grind them roots, leaves and flowers. Fill the green weight with water. It takes 5 liters on the floor of the disturbed mass. After insisting of dandelions within 3 days, the solution is pulled through the sieve and spray cucumber bushes them.
  • Take a liter jar of dry cleanliness, pour it in the previous year, and pour the grass with water. Waters you need to take 2 liters. After 5 days, the infusion is strain and treat them the affected tint cucumbers.

If you do not have the ability to arrange traps for ants or there is not enough time to insist the different swelling, then do a little different. We wash off the dar with cucumbers with ordinary clean water, but use for this a manual large pressure sprayer. Strong water pressure is able to fully rinse the sounds from the bushes.

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