It is necessary to deal with ants on household plots if the owners are important to preserve vegetation on their territory. When these insects appear, they begin to build a house in the most secluded corners. The selected tree after the improvement will not live for more than 2-3 years. And if they were inserted in the garden, then close to do the necessary plantations.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - Boric Acid
- It will take 1 tbsp. Boric acid, sugar 3 tbsp, 3 tbsp. Honey. Make a mixture and decompose on sheets of paper in places of active accumulation of ants.
- meat minced 3 tbsp. Mix from 1 tbsp. Boric acid and also decompose on a densely populated area.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - smell
- Not many are known that sharp odors are able to scare the ant swarm. Therefore, if there is good ventilation in the house next to the garden, then grass hangs with sharp odors, such as wormwood, mint, lavender, acacia, sweet mint. One pass is one herbal broom.
- To protect a tree or bush from arrogant insects, it should be covered by the same bunches of grass.
- Garlic is also a good tool, they rubbed the trunks either purify and passed through the meat grinder, slices or other fragrant parts are unfolded around the plants.
- Also the ant houses urine are watered, sprinkled with tobacco dust, lime.
If you do not fight with all the forces with these insects, you can not drive them out.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - coal
Relieved the fire, shit small hot coals and ashes, further find an anthill and fall asleep his holes. Overlapping outs.
How to get rid of ants on the garden with boiling water
Find an anthill, boil the water bucket and pour into the inputs. High temperatures will help destroy insects. To the water is added and insist tobacco, cleanliness and other unpleasant smelling, bitter plants.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - Tires with water
If large bushes or trees grow in the garden, they build a water barrier around them. The old tire without holes are cut on half horizontally, put on around the shrub, or organize a bush in the center of the tire. Roach the groove, pour water. Since ants are not fish, they are, respectively, drown. It remains just not to forget to replenish it with water.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - Tl
The ants eat a tool, which is caught as a zenitsa of an eye. They hide her for the winter in holes to a depth of more than 1 m to use after winter, like food. So the TRU is paying at least attention. In a bucket of water to dilute 1 kg of salt, spray the plot.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - ant war
If black ants settled, they go to the forest and they find an anthill of red ants there. They dig a few winged females, bring to the garden and settled next to the domesticated. Soon black will be forced to leave their territory.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - beer
Dear, but an effective option - pour beer holes. You can see any variety. On 1 anthill at least 2-3 liters.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - a mixture of ingredients
A vegetable oil is prevented in the bucket, 1 l vinegar, the cheapest shampoo, is well mixed and poured along the turn. It is necessary to think about it so that the ants do not have access to out. That is, pour, see where the liquid is poured from, and clog holes with infiruses.
How to get rid of ants on the garden - sweet
Collect 1 kg of sugar in a bucket, jam, residues of jam and mix with water. From such a solution of ants flee away. Why this happens: the anthill contains the reserves of sugar carbohydrates, and there are natural yeast in the ground. Sweet fill activates them, insect reserves are destroyed. Ants can only leave.
How to get rid of ants in the garden - chemistry
processing chemicals held in the spring, when the plants are gaining growth and strengthening. They do not bloom and bear fruit, and therefore less harmful. Treat karbofosom. It kills, does not renew new colonies. Spraying is carried out no more than 2 times in 1 season. Package 1 60 g of dilute 8 L of water and sprayed hearth. Work in non-windy conditions.
If you make an incorrect processing of an anthill, these actions will lead to the active growth of the number of its small inhabitants, or to getting used to the used means aimed at extermination. Ant is almost the second danger after weed! Muravyov destroys chemistry, folk baits, unusual fictions. If the owner decided to pour holes, then it is best to deal with this case after sunset when insects will argue along their homes.