How to get rid of aphord

How to get rid of aphord

The invasion of the Tly is a real disaster for harvest and garden plants. This pest insect occupies a garden in seconds. The failure not only destroys the shoots of plants, sucking juices from it, but is a peddler of various diseases of vegetable crops. How to get rid of aphord in the garden and protect the future harvest from the pest?

What a word looks like

In nature, there are more than 4,000 types of Tly. This is a miniature insect of the most diverse color: black, white, transparent, green. His Taurus resembles a drop. The amount of TI fluctuates from 0.5 mm to 7 mm. The TLL breeds rapidly, in one month of its existence, one female is capable of forming a whole colony. The larva Tley is a copy of the adult individual, after 10-15 days is ready for reproduction. New colonies are based on the lower leaves of the plant, from the inside, and sometimes it is hard to detect them. If it does not start the fight against the parasite on time, the colony of the tolls completely cover the stalks and the foliage of the plants with a thick layer.

The wave causes irreparable harm to vegetable cultures, highlighting toxins that are loving young shoots, flowers and buds and change the shape of the leaves. The leaves are pale, twisted, they appear yellowish spots. Soothes covered with tool, weaken and slow down your growth, flowering and fruit ovary stops. Pest activity period - mid-summer. TLL, quite quickly breeding, conquers all new territories and migrates on neighboring plants and vegetable crops in the garden. Sometimes TRU is transferred to ants.

How to get rid of aphord in the garden - folk remedies

The most harmless for garden crops method of deliverance from the invasion of the Tly is the use of solutions prepared by proven folk recipes, which spray landings. The processing of vegetable and berry crops should be made no later than a month before harvest.

  • If the amount of tri on the site is not critical, it can be used to remove the behavior from the leaves of conventional water, watering landing from the hose. A good water pressure washes off pests from stems and leaves.
  • Soap solutions are actively used in the struggle against the pest. On 1 liter of water takes 4-5 tbsp. Called on the grater of economic or tar soap. The resulting soap solution is carried out by planting plants from the sprayer. You can add 1 tbsp to the soap solution. l calcined soda.
  • Wood ash is the perfect assistant to destroy the colonies of Tly. On 5 liters of water you need to take a glass of wood ash. Preparing tincture about 12 hours. Use infusion to spray the affected beds.
  • The wave does not tolerate the smell of tobacco. A glass of Machorki makes a 5 l boiling water. Insist the means - day, then strain the tobacco infusion. Use it to spray the affected plants.
  • The wave also does not tolerate sharp smells of shit, garlic, onions, burning pepper. The "sharp" tincture perfectly coped with the pest. To prepare a tincture of shine, it is necessary to finely cut the leaves and the root of the plant, fill in them with a pan on a third and pour boiling water. Insist the agent of the Tlima 12 hours. For the preparation of "peching", you will need 1-2 pods of red burning pepper, which is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. Time to insist infusion - a few hours. Garlic tincture is prepared from a large head of garlic that you need to crush and brew boiling water in 1 liter. After cooling, 2 hl soap and 2 tbsp are added to the liquid. L vegetable oil.

Fighting tool in the garden of chemicals

Insecticides are used to combat parasites - chemicals that are not so harmless as folk methods, but give a 100% guarantee of the destruction of Tly from garden crops.

Most often applies:

  • Carbophos processing, which divorces 30 grams per 10 liters of water.
  • Chlorine lime is to breed in the proportion of 30 grams of chemical on the water bucket.
  • Trichlomefos - the oily solution is prepared in the proportion of 20 grams per 10 liters of water.

It is worth remembering that applying a chemical treatment of plants in the fight against aphid, you destroy and useful insects that pollinating garden crops, so in the period of flowering from chemicals it is better to refuse. In addition, stability is developed to many chemical preparations, in which case, they should periodically be changed when processing the beds.

How to get rid of thephord in the garden - Assistants among insects and birds

Insects and birds, which feed on a parasite and enemy of garden crops help to destroy the TRU.

  • Ladybug, Zlatagid, Mantis - Natural enemies of Tly, who eat them in food. The larvae of useful insects can be purchased in specialized stores, increasing their number on the site.
  • Sparrows, Tits, Rabbles use TRU to power their chicks. To attract the feathers, place on the cottage plot of rifles, bird feeders.

Over time, when birds and useful insects will be hidden on your land plot, the TL will go around your garden. This is an excellent prevention from pest insects.

The choice of the method of combating aphids depends on the degree of lesion of landings. To process vegetable and berry crops, it is recommended to choose environmentally friendly methods, and chemicals are used as a last resort, when popular methods remain powerless. Remember that the best way to combat any pest of plants is prevention.

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