How to get rid of whiteflink

How to get rid of whiteflink

The whiteflink is a petty pest insect, dangerous for many plants. For a fairly short time, adults and their larvae feed on the plant juice are able to destroy the indoor plant and even destroy the harvest! Easily get rid of the whiteflies, there are both chemicals and folk ways of destroying the insect.

Bellenka - what does it look like?

The whiteflink is most often appearing on indoor colors with high humidity of the room and on garden plants in warm and rainy summer. Insects prefer a wet and warm habitat. Often the whitebird attacks the greenhouse and greenhouse cultures. One of the main conditions for the effective fight against the blonde is to detect it in a timely manner on the plant. The insect looks like fine white moths (1.3-3 mm in length) with four wings. Taurus and whiteflink wings are covered with mild ripples. Insects attack the leaves of the plant and lay small larvae of grayish color on them. The main source of their nutrition is the juice of the plant.

The leaves infected with the blonde becomes yellow, lifeless, on the surface there are white tormenting spots. Over time, leaves are black. The insect itself hides on the back of the leaves. If you disturb the plant, white midges will scatter. In addition to the destruction of the infected plant, the whiteflink is dangerous for healthy crops on the plot, as it is a peddler of various infections.

How to get rid of whiteflies - Chemicals

To get rid of a harmful insect, effective chemical drugs are used - insecticides, when working with which the protection means are used: gloves, glasses, respirator. Among the popular chemical drugs can be allocated:

  • Aktara is the leader in the fight against the blonde. Divorced drug spray and water the root of the plant. The whole population of insects, including postponed larvae, dies.
  • Aktellik. Excellent remedy for the whiteflie, the time of action of the drug is 3 days. It has high toxicity and unpleasant odor. Achtellica ampoule is divorced in 10 liters of water.
  • Phytodener is an insectoacaricide, which is used to destroy many pests. Applied 1-2 spraying of an infected plant.
  • Confident - from the action of this insecticide, the Bellenka dies within 2 hours. One spraying is enough to destroy the entire population of insects.
  • Akarin - an effective drug against whiteflinking for spraying landings.

How to get rid of whiteflies - traps

Thanks to traps - special sticky ribbons that are used for fishing and mosquitoes, you can get rid of the whiteflink. Sticky ribbons hang over the plant. Traps - a safe way to destroy a whitefold, which is suitable for indoor plants in a room where the use of chemicals is impossible.
Sticky tape traps can be made independently. A layer of honey or petroleum is applied to strips from dense cardboard of yellow color.

How to get rid of whiteflink - folk methods

In the fight against the blonde, folk methods with the use of tinctures have proven perfectly.

  • Running the leaves with a soap solution from the economic or tar soap.
    A piece of soap must be chopped and dissolved in water (1: 6). A strong soap foam need to process the affected areas on the plant using a sponge. Soap solution can be sprayed with a green part of the plant. This procedure must be repeated 7 days after.
  • Infusion of garlic. Garns tincture is an effective method for the destruction of many pests. For the preparation of infusion, it is necessary to grind several garlic teeth and pour them with 1 liter of water, to insist the means in a dark place during the day. Relying influence spray a plant affected by harmful insects. For efficiency, 2-3 processing is needed with a frequency of 7 days.
  • Thousands of yarrow. The whiteflab can be destroyed with an incentive from the yarrow. For infusion, 80-90 g of leaves are taken, poured with 1 liter of water and insist 2 days in a dark place. The effect of infusion is used to spray landings. For efficiency, it is necessary to conduct 2-3 spraying with a periodicity of 7 days.
  • Infusion of dandelion. To prepare infusion, you need to take 40 g of rhizomes and 40 g of dandelion leaves. The crushed plant is poured with 1 liter of water. Insist tool 3-4 days. Two spraying of an infected plant with an interval of 7 days is used.

Preventive measures from white

In order for your garden plants or room flowers to attack the whiteflies, the following rules must be followed:

  • when planting a plant, observe the distance, not thickening planting;
  • ensure air ventilation;
  • do not spend a spraying of the plant in wet weather;
  • strengthen plant immunity, using biostimulants and fertilizers.

To save the plant and get rid of a dangerous whiteflink, it is advisable to use several methods of struggle at once, combining them. On time, the struggle with the pest will save your landing and will return to life a favorite indoor plant.

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