Why yellow leaves at the ficus?

Why yellow leaves at the ficus?

Home plants are often becoming family members who require care, care and love. For this reason, some owners are straight in Chondra, when their favorite flower is sick or the wishes of the abnormal leaves. Let's talk today about such a plant as a ficus and about the reasons that can contribute to the yellowing of his leaves.

Yellow leaves of ficus

In order to cope with the problem, you need to find or find out the reason for its appearance and in this case, to understand what to do when the leaves of the ficus are wishes, it is necessary to find out what contributed to such behavior of the plant.

There are too whimsical plants, such as violets or orchids. Ficus, to the tremendous happiness of its owners, is not included in this list. That is why the reasons for the yellowing of his sheets are not so much, let's look at each of them and understand how to prevent it.

Natural reasons

Causes of natural type. So, first need to consider the most banal, but at the same time, a common explanation of yellow color on the leaves of the ficus. For those who do not know, the leaves of the plant under consideration can live from the year to three, after the completion of the data of the time frame, the leaves become yellow, and ultimately satisfied with the ficus.

If you witnessed how the leaves are gradually and slowly years old and after that they opted, you should not beat the alarm in all the bells, because it is possible that they just came deadlines. However, if the sheet behind the sheet is sluggish, yellowes and falls, it is definitely not a natural leaf sharing, so have this fact in mind.


The plant, like a person, is getting used to people, to the place, etc., so the yellowing sheets can be a sign of displeasure ficus when changing his location. Thus, he makes it clear that he does not like in a new place (maybe there is not enough light or too stuffy, etc.).

They, as in principle, many people may experience stress. Very often this happens when the ficus is given to someone or the other person begins to take care during him during the lack of owners. Do not forget that the plant to transplant is necessary in extreme cases, if it is really necessary, because this process for ficuses is the most serious stress that can even end the plant's death.

It is still worth remembering that after the transplant occurred, not to water the plant. Sometimes it is just worth transferring the ficus from one corner to another, and it immediately starts yellowing, the leaves fall out. In this case, the optimal option will return the plant to its former place.

Fikuses love light, but not direct sunlight, and if you transfer them to a darker place, they immediately begin to wither and yellow.

Wrong watering ficus

As for any other plant in your home, for the ficus there is our own, so to speak, the rules of care, and it is necessary to water it too. Ficks do not like excessive moisture, so you should not watered them too often. If you are not afraid to pour it, it is better to water the fountain only after the earth will fully become dry. In order to precisely define whether the land in a pot is dried or not, it is possible to cut a thin wand from the tree to a few centimeters to the ground and after pulling out to look, whether the wand is wet or not.

In case you too poured the plant and the leaves gradually began to turn yellow, just do not water it days 12-14. If, after this dry period, the leaves did not cease to change the color, the ficus replant.

When transplanting, it will be necessary to fully enjoy the fiber from the ground, trim the rotten and missing the roots and moisture and only after that put it into a new land.

Conditions of detention

An important role in the normal development of the plant and its growth occupies the right conditions of its content. So, before finally deciding exactly where to put a ficus, remember that he loves light and warm, in too cold rooms and if little light, ficus feel uncomfortable, and most likely, will not grow, as it should be.

In the warm season, it is not necessary to endure them in the sun (in the natural environment - tropics, they are also not under scoring sunshine), because the leaves will yellow with such a flash. An ideal place for ficus will be a bright, spacious place without drafts, but at the same time it is not stuffy.

There are no fans or stoves near the plant to be unfinished, the temperature indicators are negatively affected on the plant and its appearance. Do not put the plant and near door openings, opposite windows, because the drafts are devoted to them.

Living in ficus

It would seem that the ficus of the house grows, all conditions are created, and the leaves are still yellowing. And whether you were set as a question, there is no pest in your pot, and they are not disturbing this plant. Often on the back of the sheet of ficus you can find insects, very small, but at the same time, very unpleasant. It is also necessary to pay attention to the stalks of this plant, because the appearance of insects can be implicit, and the plant will suffer from it until the owners will not find this problem.

If it happened, and you discovered pests, you need to purchase special means to dispose of this problem. An excellent option will be the purchase of such a fund as "zircon".

Love the plant, take care of him, treat if necessary, and then it will grow healthy and beautiful, and the leaves will be bright green.

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