How to care for drasa at home

How to care for drasa at home

Tropical palm treason decorates dwellings and inhales the atmosphere of exotic. Such a plant requires the correct care, because in our area for her conditions are not characteristic of their relatives. By purchasing such a plant or receiving as a gift, read the peculiarities of the care of the drasa at home.

How to care for drasa at home - Temperature

For drazes, the temperature from 5 to 27 degrees is considered correct. Such a temperature you can easily create in your home. Summer cool the air with an air conditioner or place a plant on the loggia. In winter, the plant feels good at temperatures above 12 degrees. With dry summer air, a web tick can start on the dragerate. In this case, rinse the plant under the shower and treat the leaves with phytodeterm.

How to care for drasa at home - watering

Frequent irrigation DRASEEN does not like. Water it twice a month, it will be quite enough. Create a plant microclimate of the tropics, spray the leaves with a pulverizer. Increase moisture in the room using self-made means or purchase a humidifier. A more abundant watering plant is needed in summer. Watch out for the top layer of the Earth if he is dried. In winter, it is not necessary to cry out so as not to start the roots. If you doubt about whether to water the plant or not - remember that it will be better to dry it for drazes than to fill. Watering water should be taken out. It is not bad to place charcoal into it. Skip water for watering through a carbon filter. Rehend to watering responsibly, because insufficient irrigation can provoke a drying of foliage.

How to care for drasa at home - lighting

Direct sunny rays for the plant are detrimental, but the light is like. Grow the dragera in the half. If the Light drape is not enough - use artificial illumination. If on the surface of the leaves you will find black dots - these are traces of burns. Urgently change the location of the plant.

How to care for drasa at home - Other care features

Drazena does not tolerate drafts, so you carefully pick a place for it. It also prefers fresh air, so it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. Periodically you need to feed the plant with fertilizers. In winter, it will be enough once a month, and in the summer it is necessary to do every week. Universal fertilizers for drazes will be enough.

Drazena does not require too much care costs, but the features still need to explore. When performing all conditions of departure, the plant will delight you with alive leaves and exotic species.

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