How to care for cyclamen at home

How to care for cyclamen at home

Cyclamen is an amazing plant, which is often called alpine violet. This flower, if you create good conditions for him, pleases with your bloom from September to April. It strikes the variety of varieties with different coloring inflorescences, degree of terrain and size of leaves. It is easy to care for the cyclamen, but some features better take note, especially if you first decide to acquire this plant.

How to care for cyclamen at home - the creation of suitable climatic conditions

Cyclamen are moderately demanding about the choice of space on the windowsill, but it is better to put a pot with alpine violet in place with scattered light, good ventilation and low humidity.

The temperature regime is no less important. Cyclamen refers to the cold-tech plants and the optimal temperature for it is considered from + 12⁰c to + 17⁰s. The maximum temperature threshold is + 25 ° C. If it is difficult to create such conditions on the hot course of the year, the cyclamen should be transferred to a basement or another cool place, but there should be enough lighting.

In winter, cyclamen can not be grown near heating devices. At the same time you need to often water the flower so that the ground does not swam. But it's not necessary to water too much, otherwise the plant will start.

How to care for cyclamen at home - plants transplant

Cyclamen transplant is acceptable in the summer period and is carried out in this way:

  • It is selected by a pot of 3 cm with a diameter more than the previous one.
  • The soil fits universal for flowering plants or homemade (three parts of the leaf land, part of the sand, part of the peat, part of the humus).
  • At the bottom of the pot lays out the ball of drainage, a little land is poured, then the tuber is immersed and the earth is covered on the sides.
  • The third part of the tuber must rise above the soil.
  • Water cyclamen after a transplant is needed in 9-11 days.
  • In the fall, when the first leaflets are selected, the cyclaman is placed in a cool, but well-lit place.

How to care for cyclamen at home - watering and making fertilizers

Cyclamen loves moisture very much, so it is necessary to water him regularly and abundantly. But watering should be neat. It is important to pour water exclusively in the pallet. If the water falls on tubers or flowers, the cyclaman will cover the spubbles of the brown color and will soon die.

For irrigation, filtered or resistant water with a temperature of + 25-27⁰c is suitable. You can use boiled and pre-cooled water. It is necessary to prevent stagnation of water in the pallet, and after all the soil moisturizes, the remains of water should be merged.

Fertilizers are entered throughout the growing season every three weeks. You can use any means for feeding home plants.

How to care for cyclamen at home during rest

After flowering, the cyclamen "falls asleep" - the leaves are yellowing, gradually fall and the period of rest comes. But during this period, the plant also requires care:

  • Slowing flowers and leaves are broken.
  • Still green shoots are trimmed by the root.
  • Watering is rarely conducted and gradually - the soil must be moderately humid.
  • Vase with a plant is placed in a shadow space with a low air temperature.

How to care for cyclamen at home - diseases and methods of their treatment

Cyclamen is inclined to diseases, but most of them arise as a result of poor care:

  • Gray rot - appears against the background of excessive irrigation. To cure cyclamen, you need to dig up the tuber, cut off the rotten area, to be treated with a solution of manganese and put in the calcined soil.
  • The deformation of the leaves and inflorescences is occurs when the plants of the tool or a spider tick is damaged. Suitable insecticides are used to save the cyclame.
  • The yellowing of the leaves (fusariosis) - this happens if the cyclamen is in high temperature conditions. You need to transfer the vase into a cool place.

Now you were convinced that it is completely easy to care for the cyclamen. Therefore, without doubt and experiences can decorate their windowsill in such a beautiful plant.

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