How to care for chrysanthemum

How to care for chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums are a win-win option for decorating any garden or apartment. During the autumn blossom, their inflorescences surprise the violence of paints, variety of size and structure of buds. Let's discuss how to care for chrysanthemum to achieve long flowering and prevent the death of the plant.

How to care for chrysanthemum - landing rules

Chrysanthemums are well evolving and long bloom only if they chose the plot correctly. Therefore, before planting the plant, the following requirements should be taken into account:

  • Chrysanthemums need sufficient suns. In average, they need to provide at least 5 hours of direct sunlight and preferably in the morning.
  • The soil is suitable only fertile with the pH 6.4-6.8. If the landing of chrysanthemums is carried out in containers, the soil must be drained, and when landing in open ground, it is necessary to choose the place is not too wet, without water stagnation.
  • Chrysanthemums do not need to disembark near the fence or high bushes. This plant loves intensive air circulation, and any obstacles can cause worsening growth and flowering.
  • New bushes are planted in a yat with a size of 40x40 cm, a depth of 50 cm. Between the chrysanthemum seedlings, the distance is about 28 inches.
  • Conplanting bushes is recommended every three or four years.

Advice! Chrysanthemums are better to plant in places without night lighting. They need at least 8 hours of sleep to form a large number of buds.

How to care for chrysanthemum - watering and making fertilizers

  • Flowers love abundant irrigation, because their root system is able to absorb all excess water from the surrounding plot. But still the underground part should not be constantly in the water. Chrysanthemums in pots need to wip much more often.
  • Water by chrysantomatomatically, otherwise the plant will weaken between watering. This is noticeable by changing the color of the lower leaves - they will get brown.
  • During irrigation, water is important to water strictly on the soil, avoiding splashes on the foliage, it can cause diseases.
  • Chrysanthemums love frequency fertilizer. The whole season of vegetation requires a combined fertilizer for flowering crops.

How to care for chrysanthemum - illness

This plant is mainly affected by fungal flora. Often chrysanthemums die from the fusarious wilt, black mold, as well as trunk rot. For treatment, chemical fungicides or natural antiseptics are used - garlic oil and sulfur.

There are cases of damage to chrysanthemum pests - tool, minerals, ticks. It can be destroyed by insecticides or soapy water.

Chrysternate care in winter

With the arrival of the first frost, the above-ground part of the plant is cut. It is then mulched with spruce branches or foliage. Additionally, the bowl of the Earth around the chrysanthemum is embanked to protect them from death during a possible frosty swelling (alternate defrosting and freezing of snow) among winter.

All chrysanthemums that are grown in pots are transferred to a cool and bright room. Watering is carried out abundant - water is poured until it starts to flow from the bottom pot hole.

How to care for chrysanthemum - reproduction and transplantation

Five-year-old bushes need to be divided. This allows not only to get new seedlings, but also improve the bloom of old, update the root system. The separation is carried out in the spring after the active appearance of young growth.

How is division and transplant:

  • Drop chrysanthemia, shake the ground with roots, remove damaged roots.
  • Gently divide in half at the beginning of the rhizome, then the whole bush. Some bushes are easy to share their hands, others need to cut a garden knife.
  • At the end, plant the obtained deteen in the loose moistened soil without impurities.

As you can see, the care of chrysanthemum is not a difficult task, so you will probably grow this flower in your garden or in a pot.

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