How to care for phalaenopsis

How to care for phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis is the most common type of such an exotic plant as orchid. It happens that such a plant is presented as a gift, but often people themselves buy phalaenopsis. In order not to ruin the plant, you need to care for it. Read more about leaving the article.

How to care for phalaenopsis - support the optimal temperature

Faleenopsis does not tolerate the heat. Feeling well the plant will be at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, up to 28 degrees Celsius. Frost does not tolerate. At temperatures above 30 degrees, do not water orchid often, only as needed. Check that the air is well circulated around the plant.

How to care for phalaenopsis - lighting

Plus Phalaenopsis is that it is not demanding about lighting. Do not put it in a very dark angle. But on the windowsill, leaving north, the plant will feel good. In the hot season, you follow the sun, so that the sun does not quit phalaenopsis leaves. Remove it from direct sunlight.

How to care for phalaenopsis - watering

The main rule is better not to break. Watering phalaenopsis is needed approximately once every two weeks. Pot plunge into a container with water temperature to the third part. Leave in water for fifteen minutes. Then remove it out of the water, let it hold it well. When watering, it is desirable to navigate not to the interval, but on the dryness of the substrate and the roots.

How to care for phalaenopsis - fertilize

Feed the plant follows a special complex for orchids. Finger through watering. It must be done at a time when the plant forms buds and flowers. You should not feed the phalaenopsis during the rest, that is, when the growth of leaves and the plant ceased to bloom.

Phalaenopsis is pretty simple to care and unpretentious. However, it is in stock and their specific peculiarities. With faithful care, phalaenopsis will delight you with healthy leaves and bright colors.

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