How to care for yucca

How to care for yucca

Yucca is a variety of tree tropical palm trees. Despite its exotic origin, this palm tree is successfully grown at home to decorate the interior. In leaving, it is not picky and for many years capable of maintaining his decorativeness. It grows leisurely, but over time it reaches 4 m in height. How can you easily grow this exotic miracle at home? Let's discuss all the rules of care below.

Science Care - irrigation rates and fertilizer

Yucca in natural growth lives in drought conditions, therefore, the normal development of the plant largely depends on the competently organized irrigation. Yucca perfectly tolerate moisture deficit and dies from overflow.

In winter, Yukka needs a rare watering - 2-3 times a month. In summer, watering is carried out after grazing the top ball of the soil. And so that the water was enough, it is better to use special moisture indicators for indoor plants.

In winter, Yukka is at rest, so it makes no sense to make fertilizers. But from the spring until September, it is desirable to regularly fertilize the palm trees with complex fertilizers once a month. Fertilizer is not carried out when the plant is sick and in the first few days after the transplantation.

Yucca Care - Transplantation, Crimping, Crane Forming

Palm trees are spent once every three years. The optimal period for this spring-summer.

Yukka is transplanted for this principle:

  • A wide vase is selected so that the rhizome is free to be free.
  • The soil is selected for palm trees, since it is with sufficient drainage.
  • Yucca is removed from the old pot with a large earthen room, trying not to damage the root system.
  • If there are signs of rewarding roots, they are cut, and the location of the cut is rubbed.
  • Rhizome is immersed in the vase and falls asleep the earth.

So that the head of Yukki quickly grew and becomes lush, you need to trim. To stimulate sleeping kidneys, the painting of palm trees is cut. The cut is necessarily processed by coal.

After trimming, the palm tree is left in the same place, but watering is slightly enhanced. About a month later, new sprouts will appear on the cut place.

Yukka care - reproduction

Yukka multiplies easily, and this can be done in three ways:

  • The vegetative method - the upper SPE section is slightly dried, rooted in moistened soil or immersed in a glass with water. Leaves need to be deleted as it is downloaded. Three weeks later appear roots.
  • Horizontal landing of cuttings - a large part of the trunk with several kidneys is cut and pressed into a soft wet soil in a horizontal position. After a week, the cut is extracted from the ground, divided into cuttings, which are rooted in the soil separately.
  • Seed reproduction - seeds are sown on the ground, covered with film. Daily greenhouse should be keen and moisturize. Shoots appear in 2 weeks.

Southwerry Care - Diseases and Pest

  • A strong moisture is destructive on Yucca. Brown spots appear on the foliage. As treatment, the removal of patients with leaflets and watering reduction is applied.
  • With a miser aeration of soil or rare ventilation, fungus can develop on the trunk. You need to immediately remove the affected areas, otherwise Yukka will die.
  • If there is very dry air in the house, Yucca is striking a web tick. Its leaves are falling, a white flare appears, the plant dries. Cure the disease will help spray with soap and humidification of air.

It is quite easy to grow yucc. She is undemanding and very responsive. Provided for good care, it will be many years to delight you with its exotic sophistication.

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