Why does silver blame on the body?

Why does silver blame on the body?

Many love silver more than gold. This metal looks more noble and aesthetically aesthetic, in addition, it fits into any image, both elegant and everyday. You can wear a lot of silver jewelry and be sure that it does not look vulgar or cheap.

However, many silver fans often face the problem of its darkening precisely during the sock. For what reasons does silver change color and what explanations are there?

Mysticism and superstition

  • Silver is often attributed to mystical properties and its darkening is associated with superstitions and signs. People often forget that silver is just metal, and it can enter into various chemical reactions with the environment, a natural consequence of which is darkening. No one says that if the metal is rusted, then this is certainly a mystical explanation.

  • If you believe the folklore, then there is an opinion that the blackening of the underwear made of silver suggests that its carrier was jinxed or spoiled.

  • The next version of silver blackening, which is constantly worn, says that the noble metal takes on all the negative impact, any way aimed at a person. His darkening suggests that the silver jewelry took on a terrible blow and allowed the owner of the misfortune.

  • Also, if you believe the prejudices, then the darkening of silver can be associated with a deterioration in the health of the owner of the jewelry. This explanation is as real as possible, since during any disease the human body distinguishes a special secret, which, when interacting with silver, gives the darkening of the latter.

Rational explanation

  • If you think soberly and take into account only scientific interpretations, you should know that silver, like any metal, is subject to environmental effects. Usually jewelry is worn on the body. A person sweats in any case, albeit to varying degrees. Usually the darkening of the metal occurs in such cases gradually and is not particularly striking. However, if sweating under pressure from various factors increased sharply, then silver can darken much faster and in a more intense form, as it interacts with sulfates contained in human sweat and causing darkening of silver products.

  • Another scientific explanation of the darkening of the metal may be the fact that in the atmosphere of the area in which a person lives, a high content of hydrogen sulfide, and this compound makes silver quickly get dark.

  • If the silver for a long time led itself adequately and suddenly darkened sharply, then it is worth clarifying whether the humidity has increased, since it can cause the loss of the appearance of the jewelry.

  • A large role in the darkening of the products can play a silver sample. The higher it is, the less decoration is subject to environmental influences. And vice versa, if the test is low, then the decoration can darken for a wide variety of reasons.

Basically, the darkening of silver is quite reasonable and rational explanations and before panic, it is worth carefully weighing and analyzing everything. But people who are inclined to believe in the mystical properties of silver are also a lot, so everyone is free to choose the version of the darkening of silver products that will suit it most.


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