Why pregnant woman can not cut hair?

Why pregnant woman can not cut hair?

Before pregnant, the dilemma often rises: cut or not cut hair. On the one hand, being in an interesting position, I want to stay beautiful and look attractive, on the other - there is a prejudice that it is categorically impossible to do this. So how to be? And who will give a reliable answer: you can trigger, or do it still not worth it? There is a need to figure out the question thoroughly.

Superstition and prejudice

  • The first reason why the woman's hair is not recommended for hair is not recommended for a long time, this is the conviction of people in the fact that it is in the hair that the entire accumulated woman has been maintained, they are concentrated both spirituality and energy that is pregnant. Cutting off the hair, a woman can deprive himself a kind of energy connection with the Universe, namely, from there, any person gets positive energy and exchanges streams with space. It was believed that the haircut could deprive the future kid to a significant part of the vitality.

  • The second argument was the following conviction - a woman who intentionally crushed her hair during pregnancy, encourages himself to constant troubles and health problems. Since ancient times, humanity was convinced that women with short hair are an object of 33 misfortunes.

  • It is believed that the hair of a pregnant girl is a kind of natural charm, which takes away from the future mother and her baby, located in the womb, bad glances, evil eye and damage. Having deprived himself this talisman woman becomes open to any human negative.

Religious aspect

The indisputable argument is religion. And it does not matter at all, to which confession is the future mother, most of the sacred books and the Scriptures clearly suggests that a person should not change what is given to him by nature, so the hairproof is considered almost blasphemy.

What does Society say?

Public opinion is of great importance. By and large, most are convinced that pregnant women can not stand, only on the basis of what everyone is talking about. At the same time, no arguments can usually lead.

Prerequisites for superstition

It is also worth noting that in the old days the child mortality was at the highest level, and then it was perceived as natural selection. Medicines did not exist, so women are all that happened to them during pregnancy, corrected with their own actions. According to the observations of those times, those women who snorted at least tips of the hair during the expectation of the baby, gave birth to a premature child, or the baby died at an early age. Therefore there was a prejudice that she had a haircut.

At the moment, it is cut or not cut the hair to a woman in position is her personal matter. If pregnant changeless, believes in signs and superstition, then, probably, it is better to avoid any experiments with an appearance. Well, if a woman is not inclined to prejudice, then nothing will be able to prevent her exterior to her.


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