Why can't a cat look into the eyes?

Why can't a cat look into the eyes?

People from time immemorial live side by side with cats, so multiple superstitions and signs are associated with them. There is a belief that if you look in the eye for a long time and intently, you can bring trouble at yourself, and a kind and affectionate cat in an instant will turn into the worst enemy. Is it really?

Mystical interpretation

What will happen if you still get courage and look into the eyes of your pet?

  • Cats have always been considered animals that are on the verge between real and other worlds. And their eyes, glowing in the darkness of the night, is nothing more than a portal between two dimensions. If you look into the eyes of a cat for a long time, then you can see there what a person should not see, that is, the same otherworldly world that is dangerous for people and can bring many troubles, and entities living in it. That is, it was believed that if a person, by his own free will, looks into the animal’s eyes for a long time, then he voluntarily establishes a connection with that forbidden side.
  • Black cats have always been considered a devilish outflow. And at all times there were beliefs that it was precisely black cats that became a container for evil spirits. And if you look directly into her eyes, you can become a victim of the very spirit that will pass from the cat’s body to human. It was a prolonged look in the eye that was considered a voluntary consent to this.
  • If we consider the history of Ancient Egypt, then the cats were attributed to the cats, and if a person dared to look at the cat directly into the eyes, and even linger, then this was considered blasphemy and disrespectful attitude to the deity.

Realistic approach

If you distract from the otherworldly interpretation and take a closer look, you can really make sure that any cat, if you look into her eyes for a long time and intently, begins to get nervous. Why is this happening?

  • The thing is that all cat vision is better developed than people. In cats, almost the whole eye is involved and she does not even need to turn her head and peer to track the movements of an interesting object.
  • The cat’s direct look is perceived as aggression and the threat of attack, which is why they are not happy when a person looks into their eyes for a long time.
  • It should be noted that only domestic cats react negatively to a direct human gaze. Those that have grown and live in the wild, quite calmly react to this, apparently not counting a person with a worthy opponent or those from whom the threat may come.

Is it possible to look into the eyes of a cat for a long time and how to do it?

Naturally, nothing bad from a long look in the cat eyes will happen. In addition, a person usually blinks often, and this no longer makes his gaze stuck and threatening. If you still crossed your eyes with a cat, then do not rush to lower them, as the cat will decide that you surrendered and lost.
It is sometimes even useful to the owner occasionally and expressively look in the cat's eyes to arrange priorities and determine in a silent duel who is the host in the house.

This is especially true for those situations when the pet was embarrassed. But it must be borne in mind that the cat can fight back, and if the face is in the immediate vicinity of her paws, then you can get a couple of very tangible scratches. It is better to be vigilant and stay at a distance.

In fact, there is nothing wrong, and even more so mystical in a long -term look of a cat in the eye. Of course, only if a person is not superstitious. In general, this can be done, but not often and not long, so as not to nervous your fluffy treasure. And if someone is afraid of mystical consequences and the persecution of monsters from the other world, then, of course, this is not worth doing.

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