How to work with polymer clay

How to work with polymer clay

From polymer clay create simple forms and real works of art. Fantasy has no rules, the main thing is to understand how to use the material to benefit. Beginning needlewomen are recommended to take the easiest option - children's clay. In a specialized store, any colors you like are purchased, which also go well with each other. Many initially have problems with the selection of color. For this, they use mixing tables. After the selected palette is located before your eyes, you can begin to understand the technology of use.

How to work with polymer clay - tools

  • Polymer clay is fresh.
  • Eleval paper of different granularity for overwrtering the surface.
  • A piece of dense denim - polishes the product.
  • Lacu - increases saturation, improves wear resistance.
  • Pekarskaya paper - prevents parts from handling.
  • Rockbrush - rolls out soft pieces of polymer clay. Instead of a rolling pin, oblong cylindrical perfumes are used.
  • A knife or a layout will be needed for cutting.
  • Smooth surface. A tile, a wooden board may come.
  • Oven, a baking sheet - for baking formed products.

How to work with polymer clay - modeling process

Pieces of clay are kneaded in the hands. The warmth of the skin gives elasticity. Fresh clay is soft, it works easily. For old polymer clay, a plasticizer is bought. But it is easier to throw out such clay, because this softener is much more expensive than a new piece of clay. The principle of operation is similar to the basics of modeling with plasticine. Heat, roll out, blind. With one difference between baking. With the help of fingers, the necessary types of outlines are formed: oblong, rounded shapes, so on.

How to work with polymer clay - decoration

With the help of improvised means, prints for decoration are made on the surface. They also purchase interesting jewelry in specialized stores, thus decorate their work. They come up with molds in which a clay product is baked. For example, silicone, metal. To improve visualization, sparkles, pieces of glass, tiles, stones are used. Pent ornamental matches draw ornaments.

How to work with polymer clay - baking

A quality product is baked in a furnace. After this process, the parts acquire the necessary hardness. You will need a baking sheet, a baking sheet and an oven. Parts are laid out on a sheet to prevent burning. The baking time is indicated on the packaging. It is advisable to use special molds in which you need to put clay, protecting the oven from scoring. Baking is not the last stage. The following is degreasing gel -like detergents. They give smoothness with sandpaper, polish with felt, jeans. The optimum temperature will be 120-130 ° C. At low temperatures, clay elements crumble, at high - darken, gloss increases, at very high temperatures in the furnace - burn and blacken. It is important to equip the oven with a timer and a temperature controller. For the work of beads blocked from polymer clay, they take a culinary foil, crush it in the form of a stable mold and sticks toothpicks with roundabouts strung on them.

How to work with polymer clay - white color

To save the white color, you need to start working with clean hands and keep the surface of the table in order. If white details are sculpted, use medical rubber gloves without talco. Clothing should be clean and cotton, in no case woolen, wool strings can ruin the quality of work. In the public domain prepared a clean moist rag for hands or wet wipes.

When working with polymer clay, there are also warnings. You can not work with plastic and clay at the same time. Not all clay withstands contact with plastic and becomes very sticky, unsuitable for modeling. Products are tinted with varnishes with different properties: strong gloss, matte surface, dimming. The working area, for example, a wooden board after working with clay cannot be used to cut food. Since polymer clay is strongly absorbed by dust, dirt, the presence of large dust in the air should be prevented.

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