How to dry salt dough

How to dry salt dough

The drying of the salt dough can be useful in the process of making craft with their own hands. Crafts from the dough - a fairly exciting occupation, available to almost every person who has free time, flour, salt and household devices for drying or access to fresh air. The occupation requires a minimum of financial costs and provides maximum pleasure. When drying the finished product, you need to get acquainted with some nuances that can harm or help you correctly fulfill all the steps of drying.

How to dry salted dough - important nuances

  • The dough, which was solved to dry after staining, can be put in the oven at temperatures up to 125 ° C. Increase temperature affects color change.
  • If the craft is important to save whiteness, it should be dried at temperatures up to 125 ° C. The higher the temperature, the faster and better will be twisted the dough.
  • The handicraft should be completely degraded. If the test does not leave the dough from the inside, over time, the product collapses from the processes of rotting. It is better not to rush to work, and plan the case for several days. A non-sacred part can crack outside or even change the color gamut.
  • Before the process of drying the oven heats up at a minimum. First use the upper level of the oven, at the next stage the dough is descended for one level below, that is, in the middle. The lower level is dangerous for the test, as it can burn.
  • Drying is carried out with an open door door. The principle of action is similar to the drying of fruits (dried, prunes, raisins).

How to dry salt dough in the oven

  • For this occupation, the electric oven and the usual gas is suitable. In both embodiments, it is convenient to adjust the temperature and look after the viewing glass for cooking.
  • On dark bets, the product from the test will dry faster, as the dark surface better reflects the light.
  • Working with the oven begins to lay the details on a clean baking sheet.
  • The ovens not heated before. The baking sheet is placed in a cold oven. The first hour of work is 75 ° C. For the second hour - 100 ° C. Third hour The temperature rises to 150 ° C.
  • If the dough is very thick (more than 2 cm) you need to plan drying for a longer time. Two hours at 50 ° C. 3 hours at 75 ° C. 2 hours at 100 ° C. 2 hours at 150 ° C. The method although long, but very high quality. And, of course, it is necessary to check the blanks on bloating and cooking, burning.

How to dry the salt dough outdoors

  • Economical, albeit a long way of drying the dough. No additional energy is required.
  • To this option, it is better to resort into the case when the aircraft is thin. Details are laid out on a flat surface and placed under the sun rays.
  • Fresh air dryer is quite successfully combined and in the oven. Plots who are not disgraced in the air can be modified in the oven.

How to dry salt dough on the battery

  • Very convenient to do in the autumn-winter season. The option does not require any preparations other than the working battery.
  • Slices that require drying are placed on a thin smooth surface if you need to withstand the bottom line. Or are paved on foil, paper, fabric. If you are inconvenient to dry on top of the battery, you can pave the product under the radiator. The time of work on the surface depends on the thickness of the product.

How to dry salt dough in the microwave

  • Most often in the microwave oven do not drown the dough for crafts. If, except the microwave there are no other options, then you need to use with cunning.
  • To start, do not take thick dough. Better thickness up to 0.5 mm. Thicatically details do not seek qualitatively.
  • Drying is broken into several stages. One stage - cycle of 1 min., Next, a pause for cooling for 2 minutes. And so continue before moving to a solid state.

Making salted crafts is a very popular activity that children can also be engaged in adults. With your own hands you can make Christmas tree decorations, fabulous paintings as a room decoration or gifts for the female day. The big plus of such entertainment is that it gives to throw out fantasy, and with the help of drying helps to perpetuate your work for a long period of time. To determine that the product from the dough dried, you need to explore the surface for the presence of wet places, cracks. To knock down the hands to the details, but in no case try to break. The product may be fragile.

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