On the eye barley, what to do?

On the eye barley, what to do?

It is said that the soul of man is reflected in the eyes. Certainly shining and healthy eyes are pleased to admire. And if you encountered such a problem as barley? After all, no makeup can hide the red swollen bulb filled with pus. And of course no one wants to peer into such eyes.

What is barley?

Barley is purulent inflammation of the gland glands, which not only significantly affects the appearance of the face, but also causes unpleasant painful sensations. Barley grain can be on the inside, as well as on the edge of the century or in the field of eyelashes. The barley grain is the inflammation of the sebaceous and sweat glands in the eyelids, it is usually the pathogens of infection - bacteria, such as golden staphylococcus, less often streptococcus. They can get into the eyes through dirty hands when you tele your eyes or through door handles, towels, as well as from one patient to another.

So that the infection does not extend further, the treatment should be treated as soon as possible. To prevent the re-appearance of barley in the future, it is necessary to determine the main reason for its appearance.

Causes of the appearance of barley

  • neglect of the rules of hygiene, such as regular hand washing;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • demotecosis - infection with skin tick;
  • a tendency to colds, weakened immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to recognize symptoms yourself?

In a few days or hours before the appearance of the barley, the patient feels itching and burning in the field of the century. After a while, the nodule appears, which is filled with Motion, the eyelid - swells, and, if you do not take the necessary measures, the eye can completely closed, and the vision is worse. Sometimes a nodule, filled with pus, can be revealed by itself, and the pus is to pour. But in no case you can not open the barley on your own. Such intervention will only increase inflammation and can lead to the emergence of new barley.

Sometimes the eye infection accompanies overall malaise, headache, fever or inflammation of lymph nodes, in this case the appeal to the doctor must and as soon as possible.

To which specialist to contact?

Signs of barley are easily recognized independently, but to clarify the diagnosis, it is advisable to attend an ophthalmologist. Because other eye diseases can be hidden behind such symptoms, for example, conjunctivitis. The ophthalmologist explores the affected eyelid to discover the focus of inflammation.

If you often appear jackets, please inform the doctor, since they may arise as a concomitant disease in diabetes or a weakened immune system. In such cases, you will be appointed an additional examination may need consultation of an endocrinologist or immunologist.

Recommendations for treatment

If the doctor has determined the state of your barley as a sharp, then the treatment complex will consist of:

  • purpose of eye ointments, for inflammation: tetracycline or hydrocortisone;
  • processing of inflammation of iodine, diamond green, alcohol or tincture of calendula;
  • use of antibacterial droplets: chloramphenicol or citrate, dosage and frequency of use will determine the doctor.

Treatment of grain of the inner barley is a longer process, since the infection can spread to the skin or a healthy eye. Therefore, ophthalmologist - in addition to eye drops and ointments with antibiotics, prescribes antibiotics in the form of tablets. The same appointments will be effective for chronic barley.

In addition to drug treatment, the doctor may impose irradiation with infrared radiation, which contributes to the removal of inflammation and has a resolution effect. Infrared radiation activates blood circulation in capillaries thanks to which the grain barley will heal faster.

If the pus does not move in itself, and the inflammation and redness passed, the ophthalmologist should open the barley grain under local anesthesia. Do not delay with it, otherwise the barley can "harden" and then to remove the pus, a more complex operation will be required.

Do not underestimate the seriousness of this disease, because even the treatment with a specialist may not immediately give a positive effect. Bacteria can go to the brain and cause, for example, meningitis. Therefore, timely appeal to the specialist is the key to speedy recovery. In particularly severe cases, the doctor can offer hospitalization and further treatment will be under constant hospital observation.

On the dangers of self-medication

Sometimes people are tightened with a visit to the doctor, trying to cope with the problem of folk remedies and ways. Many "folk" methods may not be effective, and some are just dangerous. We strongly recommend refusing such experiments over your health.

Here is just a brief list of "folk" tips on the treatment of barley.

  • ask a friend to spit in the eye-struck eye or show a fig;
  • wash your eyes with urine;
  • warm eye over hot water;
  • suggest a pump yourself.

Of course, such treatments are hardly addressed, so timely appeal for qualified help is the key to recovery!

Be healthy!



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Svetlana 02/12/2018 at 20:12

In the lower eyelid, some red tubercle, barley? Something seems to me that yes (((how to treat it "happiness" ??

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