When does the toxicosis begins during pregnancy?

When does the toxicosis begins during pregnancy?

Pregnancy gives a woman many new sensations. All of them are impregnated by the atmosphere of joy, the expectation of a new life. But there are among them that for many more years will cause an unpleasant woman in a pregnant woman. Toxicosis is one of these "gifts".

Is the toxicosis required during pregnancy?

Toxicosis is directly associated with the start of pregnancy. But this phenomenon is experiencing not all pregnant women. Some of them did not feel a pregnancy on themselves from this side, therefore they felt perfectly, react to the smell and drose everything that they wanted.

Often, toxicosis is positioned as nausea and vomiting. But he can proceed at all without these signs. But the pregnant will be sharply reacting to smells, sometimes even completely harmless and those who were loved before pregnancy.

The same reaction may be observed for some dishes. Changing taste preferences can radically change the dishes on the table pregnant. Some in this period prefer to eat that earlier did not even think there are, and others - absolutely losing appetite.

Why does toxicosis occur? It is impossible to answer this question to the end. During pregnancy, a hormonal background, a woman becomes "from the legs on the head." Therefore, toxicosis is the reaction of the body to these changes.

This phenomenon may indicate a lack of vitamins and useful trace elements in the body of the future mother.

Experts also identify "infined" toxicosis. This condition pregnant invents himself, leaning on the stories of the girlfriends and relatives. The self-sustainment is so great that the woman begins to feel physical ailments, nausea and weakness.

To distinguish real toxicosis from invented, you need to pay attention to such signs:

  • increased saliva, which may be temporary or permanent;
  • sleepiness and decay of forces. Permanent wish to sleep allows the body to accumulate forces;
  • perversion of tastes. At this time, a woman can visit the most unusual gastronomy desires;
  • vomiting in the mornings or during the day.
  • low pressure.

Often, the desire of a future mother to eat something unusual is written off at its condition, but this may indicate a lack of some vitamins or anemia. For example, if you want to eat chalk, then you need to add calcium to the diet if the smell of paint has become pleasant and desirable, it indicates anemia (iron shortage).

Is it worth worrying if there is no toxicosis at all? You should be glad to this fact and stay happy moments of your life with a smile on the face. The absence of toxicosis reduces the chances of miscarriage and minimizes any threats to the fetus. Strong constant toxicosis in some cases can lead to miscarriage. Sometimes this feature becomes concomitant when fetal fetal.

For these reasons, such pregnant women are placed in the hospital and are observed for their condition. At the same time, droppers, vitamins and outdoor walks can be appointed.

When to wait toxicosis?

It is difficult to say exactly when toxicosis will appear in pregnant women. This phenomenon may not come at all.

Two types of toxicosis are distinguished:

  1. Early - comes at the beginning of the "pregnant" life. In the first 12 weeks, there is a high risk to feel all the "charms" of this period. In the second trimester, there are signs and the state of the woman is normalized.
  2. Late - comes in the third trimester and causes more fears. It is usually postponed heavier.

The first view on statistics arises much more often. The second option usually means hospitalization, because such a toxicosis is a threat to the health of mom and even the life of the baby.

How to survive toxicosis?

Strong toxicosis can deprive pregnancy charity. With complaints, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. If there is no threat to the baby and the future mother, then the doctor will recommend loyal ways to reduce discomfort.

If the toxicosis is so strong that the woman is accompanied all the time, then special drugs are prescribed in such a situation.

In the first case, you can try one of the following methods:

  1. More walking out in the fresh air. Toxicosis can occur due to the fact that the child lacks oxygen. Stuffed premises should be avoided, smoking. It will only aggravate the situation.
  2. If the toxicosis worries from the morning, then as soon as the pregnant woke up, it is necessary to reduce the activity and eat some chocolate, black bread or cookies at once. So the level of glucose will increase, and well-being will improve.
  3. You need to drink more fluid if there are no edema. It is better to give preference to milk, herbal tea or compote (fruit beam).
  4. Regularly drink vitamins. What kind of doctor tells. Independent, their reception may adversely affect well-being.

Sometimes pregnant feel their intuition and select their "rescue" product that will help to temper the toxicosis. Such a product can be lemon, ginger, sweet tea, salted vegetables or acidic fruits.

Toxicosis is a frequent satellite of pregnancy. It can abruptly arise and also quickly pass. When he arises and will arise at all, even the most experienced doctor will not say. Good mood, compliance with all the rules to carefully monitor your health, physical activity (if there is no threat of pregnancy interruption) will benefit the health of a pregnant woman, can "scare up" toxicosis or help relieve it.




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Sergey 08/13/2018 at 15:59.

with toxicosis and it is better to drink a course of the metronidazole and at the same time two weeks to seite 1-1.5 liters of jelly
From the brave of flax seeds and give a completely healthy child
without any problems

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