How to freeze greens?

How to freeze greens?

Summer gives a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and greens, and with them and a huge number of a wide variety of vitamins to strengthen both adult and children's organisms. A competent approach to the issue of freezing fresh fruits and greenery will keep food all year round.

Freeze of greenery - What is the grass to use?

The selection of grass for the winter blank completely depends on the taste preferences of the hostess and its loved ones. It is equally well frozen as traditional dill, parsley, mint, onion, and not entirely common, but from that no less fragrant Tarkhun, kinza, rosemary, basil, celery and others. Green onions should not freeze. After defrosting, his feathers become slippery, and the taste changes somewhat. The fans of this type of greenery can freeze it in a crushed form in a company, for example, dill and parsley.

Freeze of greenery bundles

  • Preparation for freezing begins with purification of greenery from dust and contamination.
  • Washing green branches decompose on a terry towel and dry. Do not leave them for too long in this position, because Greens quickly faded.
  • Pickles leave as short as possible (in the future, after defrosting, you still delete them).
  • Next, the dried and cropped branches are laying out on the prepared plate (in one layer) and send to the freezer.
  • When the greens are freezing, spread it in advance prepared packages. You should not add different grass forks in one package. Exception - In the future, you plan to use different types of greenery together.

Freezing of crushed greenery

This method of frost is perhaps the most simple and rapid, despite the need to grind herb.

  • Prepared herb beams thoroughly wash under running water.
  • Spread the green branches on the towel to remove the excess moisture.
  • Arm yourself with a cutting board and a knife. Finely put the washed greenery. In this case, you can prepare as every kind of grass separately and create "green mix".
  • Further distribution of greenery for freezing depends on personal preferences. You can decompose the crushed grass by packages and send a blank to the freezer. At the same time, try not too till the greens, leaving her a small free space. Such trick will facilitate further division of ice cream grass. Alternative technology involves the formation of "green sausages" - to put the greens of the curable bar on the film and wrap it.
  • After preparation, send a package or film into the freezing compartment.

Freeze of greenery in the form of ice cubes

Getting icy cubes with inclusions of juicy greenery are not harder than to freeze whole green branches.

  • Rinse the grass thoroughly, shake moisture excess.
  • Place the branches on the cutting board and finely torn the greens.
  • In the prepared forms, spread the crushed greens, cover it with water.
  • Next, send forms into the freezer.
  • You can store cubes of greenery as in molds for freezing and in packages. If you prefer to stay in the second version, it is enough to remove the ice cubes and fold them into polyethylene bags.

Green Freezing - Recommendations for Hosts

  • Choosing a container for freezing and subsequent storage of greenery, you can stop your choice on silicone, plastic or polyethylene. Restrictions relate to metal and glass. The latter can burst, and the metal destructively affects the vitamins contained in greenery, vegetables and fruits.
  • Portions for freezing is better made small. Small volumes are faster and easier to freeze.
  • In the frozen form of grass can be stored about 1 year.

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