How to store mint.

How to store mint.

One of the most popular spicy plants is mint. And it is not surprising. Thanks to its useful properties, the mint was widely used in the recipes of traditional medicine. And the spinst grass recognizable on all the aroma made it a popular component of many drinks and culinary recipes. The collection season of mint falls on August. How to save this plant to use it throughout the year?

Storage of mint in the refrigerator

If you plan to store a spice short time, it is enough to place the plant in the refrigerator, pre-producing the following manipulations:

  • Fresh cut mint branches rinse under a jet of flowing cold water.
  • Dejected the plant, removing the excess moisture.
  • Prepare wet matter (better waffle towel) or gauze.
  • Wrap mint moose in water.
  • In this form, place the spice in the refrigerator.

An alternative to the wet towel can be a plastic container. Place the branches in Sudki and hermetically close it with a lid. If there was no suitable plastic container at hand, do not despair. Use the usual cellophane package - put the twigs in it or only mint leaves. Next, the "storage" must be tightly tied. A similar form of storage of mint allows you to save spice for 3-5 days. If you need longer storage of the product, it must be freeze or dried.

Storage of mint in the freezer

The content of beneficial components in frozen mint is no less than in the fresh plant.

Freezing without blanching

  • Fresh greenery wash under the stream of cool water.
  • Slightly dry the plant.
  • Place mint in a plastic bag, and after - in the freezer.

You can freeze both branches and separately leaves. The latter, if desired, can be pre-crushed. One or another version of the storage form depends on personal wishes, as well as the further use of the plant. If you are planning to continue to include a spice, for example, in confectionery, then chop the mint is more convenient in advance when the plant is fresh. Frozen mint can be stored 4-9 months. However, it is worth considering that the prolonged exposure of the cold change the taste and aroma of the plant slightly.

Frost with blanching

Longer storage of mint is possible if you pre-make short heat treatment.

  • Wash mint.
  • Lower the branch of the plant in boiling water for a few seconds, and after - immediately in cold water.
  • Decoze the grass and place in plastic dries or cellophane package.
  • Packed mint send to the freezer.

Freezing mint for drinks

If you are fans of mint cocktails and cooled drinks, prepare a spice as follows:

  • The grass is rinsed and dried.
  • Separate leaves.
  • Grind greens.
  • Distribute choppers in forms for ice.
  • Pour shape with water and send it to the freezer.

Mint storage in dried form

The best way to store mint is its drying. In the dried form, the plant can be freely kept for more than a year without fearing its damage or loss of useful properties.

  • As soon as you cut the twigs of mint, send them immediately into the shadow. Under the influence of direct sunlight, the plant loses essential oils, and after all, it is precisely the lion's share of healing components.
  • Stems with leaves tied up several pieces in bundles and suspended in a well ventilated and shaded room - in the attic, in a secluded place on the balcony or a veranda. The influx of fresh air will not allow the debate of the leaves and will help the plant dry faster.
  • If you plan to dry out the leaves exclusively, separate them from stems of mint and spread out on paper or pure matter (still away from the direct rays of the sun). From time to time, leaves must be turned over.
  • When the spice is driving, it should be shifted into paper bags or bags. An alternative can serve as glassware with a lid - banks and trobs.
  • Dried grass is stored in a dark place at room temperature for two years.

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