How to freeze the cherry

How to freeze the cherry

If your cherry tree is plentiful, and you do not know what to do with tart fruits, try to freeze them. Many hostesses seek to properly save berries to enjoy them in the offseason. Although there are many ways to storing, but the most popular is the frost berry. It is done quickly, easily and at the same time the nutritious and taste qualities are preserved.

How to choose cherry berries for freezing

Of course, the best way to find out is whether it is worth buying cherries - it is to try them. However, there are cases when the berry is packed, so pay attention to the following:

  • The cherry of a dark saturated red color is usually very sweet. A bright green fruit pointing to the freshness of berries, and its absence is not a sign of low quality. Red cherry should also be solid to the touch.
  • Many believe that the reddish-yellow cherries are misappropriate, but this is the natural color of Cherry Cherry Rainer. They are much sweeter dark cherries. The reddish and pink sides point to the impact of the sun and the accumulation of sugar.

2) Cherry freezing: pros and cons

Although freezing has some drawbacks, but the advantages of the process is much more. Pluses of artificial cooling:

  • speed process;
  • simplicity freezing;
  • less consumption of resources and consumables than for conservation;
  • there are practically no special skills.

The disadvantages of freezing can be considered:

  • chilled products can be stored much longer than fresh, but they also have suitability. A year later, the berries in the freezer begin to gradually lose their taste and nutritional value;
  • the process of artificial cooling directly depends on electricity. His interruptions can lead to a damage of berries.

Process of freezing cherry

  • Cooling process Start with cherry sink. Berries lower under flow water. Ripe cherries will be devastated to the bottom, and the leaves and other garbage will pop up up, where you can easily remove it.

  • Frames should be pulled out immediately before cooling, because they support the freshness of the cherries.

  • You can freeze the cherry entirely or immediately prepare a beyond for a cocktail or cake and remove the bones. To do this, apply a special device or knife-loop. Many hostess pull bones across the old fashioned by a pin or paper clip. You can cut the berry in half and only then extract the kernel from it.

  • To each berry was separate from others, spread the cherry on a sheet with parchment paper, and send it to the freezer. If there is not enough space in the refrigerator, break the berry on special packages with a fastener. Maximize the air from the container, before sealing it.

  • Cherry freezing time will depend on your freezer settings. On average, two sheets with halves of berries freeze around 6 hours.

  • As soon as the cherry is frozen, remove it from the sheet and pack over packages for freezing. Berry is stored in the chamber from 6 months to a year.

  • Ice cream cherries return to the freezer until the time to use them. Be sure to cover the inscriptions with the date of freezing. So you can manage your reserves. Use first of all old workpieces. Some hostesses make marks ordinary markers.

Frozen cherries grown in their garden or purchased is a simple, but effective way to get rich in fresh berries all year round.

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