How to pick up bitter pepper

How to pick up bitter pepper

Lovers of sharp snacks are looking forward to the season of ripening of bitter pepper to make more reserves for the winter. Bitter pepper can be not only fresh, it can be added to other billets, sleep and even pick up.

If you can't live the day without spicy and sharp dishes, and the burning pen is always present in your diet, then you need to make billets for the winter. It turns out, sharp - not harmful, but on the contrary, in small quantities is even useful for the body. In bitter pepper there are many vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin K, C, E and A, RR, a lot of iron, potassium and even phosphorus. People suffering from the diseases of the stomach and intestines, you need to carefully carefully use bitter food, and it is better to refuse.

How to pick up bitter pepper - the first way

Let us consider in more detail that it is useful for work:

  • acute pepper - 1 kg;
  • vinegar table 9% - 1 cup or 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. full;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. full;
  • spices: Bay leaf - 2 pcs., pepper peas fragrant - 15 pcs.

How to marine peppers:

  • Picker need to rinse well, go through, throw damaged. Cut tail. It is advisable to work in gloves.
  • Now you need to clean garlic, laurel leaf rinse (cold water).
  • Water should be put on the stove (1 l) to boil. Put in the saucepan: sugar, salt, spices, pour oil, garlic and the last ingredient - vinegar.
  • You need to wait until the marinade boils, the lid needs to be closed.
  • As soon as the marinade starts boiled - put half the portions of the prepared pepper, blanch for 5 minutes.
  • Banks are preferably pre-prepared, sterilize in a convenient way. In each jar on the bottom to put: a bay leaf, garlic, pepper, pour boiling marinade and immediately roll in a lid.
  • On this amount of pepper and marinade, prepare two liter banks.
  • After the covers have rolled out, you need to turn the banks to the dunzham up, put on a skip, bite the warm blanket. Banks with pepper must cool completely, then they need to be put in a cool place for storage.

How to pick up the bitter pepper - the second way

And in this recipe there is no oil, pepper is almost the same taste, as well as fresh.

What will take:

  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar table 9% - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • garlic - head;
  • spices - black peas pepper, laurel sheet - at discretion;
  • red Bitter Pepper - 1 kg.

How to marinate peppers:

  • Pepper rinse, dry tips trim neatly, so that the pod itself does not open.
  • Put spices in every jar. Bay leaf need to rinse in cold water.
  • Now we will do marinade: pour water into the pan, put salt and sugar, and also pour vinegar.
  • Wait until the marinade boils, then put peeled garlic with slices (no need to cut), bay leaf and black pepper pepper, as well as pepper. You need to cook only 7 minutes until the pepper becomes soft.
  • Ready pepper needs to put in banks, distribute spices: garlic, bay leaf and pepper, pour hot marinade. Immediately roll up with covers and put upside down, be sure to wrap.
  • When cooled - attributed to the basement, put in the storage room or another cool place for storage.

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