How to grow mango from bone at home?

How to grow mango from bone at home?

Have you tried mango? Most likely, yes, and say that this is a delicious fruit, not to say anything. Mango grows in the tropics, and its fruits are rich in various useful substances and vitamins. You can buy mango, but it is worth this fruit, and it is not always possible to find it. Let's find out if it is possible to grow this fruit at home in our climate and if so, how to do it.

Rules for choosing bone

There are several ways to get a sprout of the fruit under consideration:

  • Buy mango, gladly eat it, and leave the bone and put
  • Buy in the nursery already ready sprout of this tree

Grow mango by buying a sprout, of course, better, because it is much easier to care for him, and, among other things, there is no probability of growing a completely wild tree.

But it is not possible to get such a sprout everywhere, so, if there is a bone from mango, you can also try to grow it an evergreen tree. In order to embody his idea into reality and get a whole tree from a small bone, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of specialists and comply with some rules:

  • It is necessary to understand that the proportion can only bone from ripe fruit and besides - Fresh
  • As far as mature mango is very simple, cut the fruit and in case the bone, that is, the core, it is very easily separated from all the pulp, it means that the fruit is ripe and the bone is suitable for planting.

Before landing a bone in the ground is necessary:

  • Rinse the bone, and scrape everything from it that remains from the pulp
  • Carefully split a bone with a knife, so that the sponsings it was easier to get out of the bone
  • If the bone is very easy to split, you can still get rid of the dense layer, which is on top and very carefully remove the core from the solid peel, which is very similar to type with the beans.
  • Process fasolinu means for controlling the various fungi and spores, is an excellent one for fungicide treatment.
  • In the event that the bones inside were several cores, then you need to necessarily choose the most robust, smooth and green, because in such a nucleus is much more likely to bark.
  • If the shell is too hard and strong enough, you should not pick it up in order until it bursts, because as such zeal can lead to damage to the seed. In this case you should simply dial in the clear water container and put back bone for a couple of weeks. Tara necessarily has to be clean, to stand in the light, and do not forget that change the water in the container will have to once every two days, because the water in the sun, so even with the bone, very quickly begins to blossom, and let this happen it is forbidden.

Rules bone landing

Bone have languished in the water for several weeks, after which it is quite ready for planting and germination, so that:

  • We get it from the water, let it dry out slightly.
  • Prepare for planting pot. In this case it is necessary to take into account that the nature of the mango tree can grow up to 40 meters in height, so that it is desirable to immediately choose a pot larger for planting seeds, to as little as possible to transplant it from one place to another, because in the process of transplantation often injured roots and this, in turn, can lead to tree death.
  • The first layer in a pot - a drainage. As the drainage can be used not big gravel or purchase specialty store pellets, which contribute to the proper distribution of moisture and prevent damage to the root system of the plant.
  • As for the soil, there are no special rules no, you can choose the most common and universal primer, the only recommendation - the presence in the soil of the neutral level of acidity.
  • The acidity level of soil plays an important role in the proper and successful cultivation of the mango tree at home. In order to monitor this indicator, usually use a special meter Ph soil or PH-meter. Such devices must be purchased in specialty stores, and they are not few. If you do not want the extra cost and hassle. You can just buy disposable paper display, which quickly changes color when in contact with an acidic soil (the time of this analysis depends directly on the value of the indicator and by the manufacturer, can be from 1 to 15 minutes).

bone Sprouting

Planting pit in the ground in several ways:

  • If there is no confidence in the correctness of the location of the bone (ie, it is not clear exactly where the stone top and where the bottom), you can plant it sideways to certainly not be mistaken.
  • Horizontally. So it is possible to put bone if it has made its way from the germ and small clear where the bottom of pits.

Some planting rules:

  • Fully bury the bone in the ground is not recommended, the best option in this case - to leave a quarter of the bones above the ground and well watered with water at room temperature (remember to water the plant is necessary to defend the water).
  • In the event of excessive rainfall the soil after watering, it is necessary to fill up with fresh earth.
  • If you really want to grow mango, you will need to work hard for it, because the permanent control in this case is necessary.

Creating an ideal microclimate for germination bone - is the key to success in the present case:

  • Once the stone planted in the ground, you need to cover the pot with a seed from a glass sheet, a plastic bottle or a plastic bag, as long as the light gets there. In general, you need to create the greenhouse, greenhouse effect.
  • Every few days, you need to raise a "greenhouse" and follow the order to shoot is not rotted or missing.
  • The best option - to put the pot on the windowsill with the seed, which is located on the south side, because Mango loves light.
  • As soon as you notice that punched first shoots (this usually occurs within 2-3 weeks after planting the seed), you will need to remove the cover with the pot to sprout freely grow up.

care of plants

Just take care of the mango:

  • If your chosen pot turned out quite small, do not rush to transfer otrostochka sprouted, because this operation is too complex for the plant, and to do it better, when it is little stronger and more sprout. The process of transplantation at an early stage can be detrimental to the mango.
  • Final transplant can take place not earlier than one year after planting, and in general, you should avoid direct regular and frequent, because another of them can kill a plant or impair its roots, because this process is a strong stress for the mango.

  • Since the mango is a tropical fruit, the conditions in which it will grow, should be as close to natural. Wood destructive dry air and soil, which is why in the room where it grows mangoes, should be sufficient moisture and need to provide him with regular watering.
  • Too often, spray the leaves of trees, too, is not necessary, because they are too susceptible to the fungus, so that excessive spraying may even kill the plant got stronger.

Do not forget a couple of times a year to fertilize the soil, and when the tree will sprout, you can safely cut it if you want to form a crown at its discretion, this operation carries great mangoes.

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