How to remove wet bronchi

How to remove wet bronchi

The reasons for the appearance of sputum in bronchi have several - flu, bronchial asthma, bronchitis or other diseases that are accompanied by a cough. A certain amount of mucus is constantly formed in bronchi to protect the respiratory organs from dust, bacteria. In case of respiratory tract, the secretion of the secret is significantly enhanced.

First of all, it should be determined which disease caused a sputum. It may be serous, mucous (colorless), purulent mucosa (viscous and thick, which most often happens with obstructive bronchitis, an infectious type of asthma, fibrousosis), bleeding (testifies to bleeding in the lungs), vitreous (transparent and tight). If a very abundant sputum is highlighted with an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to make the pulmonary x-ray to eliminate the breakthrough of the abscess of respiratory organs.

More often coughing with sputum is bothering as a residual phenomenon after suffering from diseases - bronchitis, influenza. It is necessary to take measures to purify the internal shells of the respiratory tract to improve their permeability, and the bacteria were displayed faster. Doctors in such cases prescribe abundant warm drinks so that the viscous secret will dilute. The ideal option is herbal infusions from Cabinet, coltsfoots, viburnum, pine kidneys.

It is important that the air in the room is wet, you can use special devices for moisturizing, or cheer on the heating batteries wet towels. Special exercises or so-called postural drainage are also effective, with which the sputum is displayed faster.

Steam inhalations, for which water solution with salt and soda, alkaline mineral water, chamomile decoction, eucalyptus are used.

The use of expectorant means: infusion of the root of altea, licorice, grasses of the chasty, thermopsis has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the patient. Also, the black radish juice, mixed with honey, Brusthean, Ivy, Barrids, Barrids, are perfectly dangling.

It is sometimes not easy to get rid of a wet cough, but the use of different natural resources that are sprouted and removing sputum, steam inhalation, special exercises and maintaining a wet microclimate in the room will help to recover much faster.

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Mila 10/31/15 at 11:50

With a wet cough, it is important to drink more liquid, you can brew grass, chamomile, mercy. The bronchobos is well diluted well, the syrup itself tried, the wet was much easier to move away and the cough intensity decreased by 2-3 days. It is necessary to speed the apartment more often, walking out in the fresh air.

Kira 04/17/2019 at 12:22

Proven abundant drinking helps to better wet the sputum and contributes to its outflow. It is still great to make inhalations with the help of a nebulizer and medicine Orvis Broncho. This is a mupological and expectorant drug. Activity Ambroxol, which helps to reduce viscosity and wet wet. It can also be taken inside. What enhances the effect of medication and recovery comes faster. I treat them in cases of the exacerbation of bronchitis. Several days of the sputum removed and the cough is not.

Anna 05/07/2019 at 17:40

Barcoccor excellent means against cough and to increase immunity. Mom as a child, I was always treated with a barzuccia fat

Lyuba 12/29/2019 at 14:11

Recently faced the same problem, in the hospital, the bronchobos was prescribed in capsules, he helped to light up this sputum so that it would be cleaned. I quickly went to the amendment)


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