How to remove the blue death screen?

How to remove the blue death screen?

For those who are not a computer genius and panic immediately, when the blue screen with the letters written on it (the so -called death screen) pops up on the monitor crane, this article will become useful. Today we will figure out how to get rid of the death screen without outside help.

A common option

An ordinary computer user usually knows how to work on a computer using common and elementary functions, and as soon as something goes wrong, a panic begins, and if this unfortunate screen of a blue color appeared on the computer, everything can already be lost consciousness and say goodbye to the computer. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, but the first thing a typical user does is turn off the computer, then it turns on it again and does it ten times - what you can’t do!

The next action of a typical user is to call a friend who understands the computers and ask what to do next if he does not appear to be such a friend, or he does not pick up the phone, we immediately call the master and call it urgently.

The master occurs, corrects this problem within an hour, after which, to leave, but at the same time, you pay him money for a call and his work (today these amounts are rather big).

To do so many operations to get rid of the death screen is not entirely reasonable and advisable, better, just to find out how to cope with the problem under consideration independently, which we will do right now.

I would immediately like to note that the path of solving the problem will take place in several stages, namely, the diagnosis of the problem, its full analysis and then only its solution.

We diagnose the problem

First you need to remember what procedures. Operations have recently been carried out on your personal computer, because you need to find out the cause of the blue screen. Typically, such a problem takes place due to the recent replacement of the component of the computer device. Often components are changed, but at the same time, they do not set the drivers to them, which becomes the cause of the problem under consideration.

It also happens that the installation of a driver and an attempt to bring him to work causes the appearance of the death screen. Your next action should be a check of all kinds of connections in the computer. To do this, you need to “print” the system system and check the connections of all cables and cords.

Often, excessive heating of the device leads to the appearance of the problem under consideration, so you should not miss this fact out of sight.

We analyze the problem

So, the following actions should be made by you:

The first thing to do when the death screen appears is to configure your computer so that it stops it, because you will need to study the problem itself, the meaning of which lies in the information on the same blue screen. For this you need:

  • We tear off the system settings.
  • We find additional options (if you are not displayed immediately).
  • Choose the function "parameters" that can be found in "loading"
  • We remove the checkmark from the function “Automatic reboot” and save the changed settings.

The main thing is that you can write a mistake itself in order to know its essence.

We solve the problem

If the system does not work out due to the appearance of the problem under consideration, it is necessary to load in safety mode. Thus, you can use the Internet, devices dispatcher, as well as system tools.

  • The next step is to check the system for the presence of "harmful trash". Install the antivirus program so that there are no viruses on your PC, often it is the presence of harmful programs on the device that causes the problem.
  • If there is no time or desire to reinstall Windows, it is necessary to restore its work. During this operation, the PC systems are copied exclusively to the PC.
  • If it became clear after the analysis of the problem that the blue screen appeared due to the malfunction of the hardware, it is necessary to carry out the rollback of the drivers - this is the solution in this case.
  • As soon as the driver’s updates are canceled, the previous version of the drivers will be restored. After this operation, the operation of the VK should improve, be updated and the operation of the device will be in order.

  • If, after rolling up the driver, the problem under consideration was never resolved and, in fact, nothing has changed in the operation of the system. It is worth trying to roll back the system itself, that is, Windows.
  • Do not forget that the error of the system can cause the problem under consideration, in turn, systemic errors often arise due to the complete workload of the hard drive, so it is worth cleaning it.
  • It must also be remembered that for the full operation of the system, at least 17% of the free space should remain on the hard drive.
  • After the pumping of the system and rollback of the drivers were also made, but at the same time, the problem was solved, the next option was to establish new drivers, as well as if necessary to update.
  • All the above methods of eliminating the problem were unproductive, then we move on to the next point - reinstalling Windows.
  • If you find out that the problem was the installation of new components, it is necessary to install the driver of the problem component.

Remember that all the files you need should not be saved on the system disk, because in the case of any error, all the work will be carried out with it, and your files will remain intact.

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