What if when installing Windows, the computer requires a drive driver?

What if when installing Windows, the computer requires a drive driver?

It happens that when the user is engaged in Windows loading, an error of the next type "The required carrier driver is missing" appears on the screen. Let's deal with what it means, and what to do about it.

PC requires driver

Most often, the error under consideration takes place when installing Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, but this error is not excluded and when installing other systems.

We will not walk around and about, immediately will be solved the problem. So, we present to your attention a list of ways to solve the problem under consideration:

  • The first thing you need to try to do is burn a DVD on speed. Below the previous one. Quite often this move and becomes solving the problem.
  • The next way that can be tried if the first method did not help - change the DVD carrier to better and there already create an installation type DVD.
  • If the above methods turned out to be useless, then you can then start up to the BIOS update (which is built).
  • Try creating a USB-type USB device (for these purposes, you most often use USB / DVD Download Too) and only after that repeat the installation of Windows.

Causes of error

The error in question may occur for the following reasons:

  • The most common cause of the error is the interruption of the Windows installation process due to the premature removal of the DVD disk with the installation program.
  • In the case of the use of low-quality DVD type media.
  • Excessively high installation disc boot.
  • Another common cause of the error appears is to use a damaged ISO file.

Additional methods of elimination of the problem

So, ways to eliminate the troubles in question during the Windows boot process:

  • First you have to make sure that the carrier is good. To do this, try to download it on another computer device.
  • Using the installation disk, you must test the disk drive of the computer device.

Summary On this issue, you can make the following - to quickly and easily correct the existing error, it is necessary for the beginning to ask the question, for what reason there was such a problem and only after that decide it. All this will do, because all the available methods are presented above.

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