When installing or updating the operating system on its computer or laptop, many users have a number of problems, including the lack of sound. How to fix this error and what to do if the sound disappears on Windows 10, we will understand more.
Disappears sound on windows 10 - how to restore
Most users are still when updating the operating system, it was not possible to return the sound, it disappears, it appears again. The thing is that the sound settings are shot. It would seem that everything is extremely simple, you need to reinstall the drivers responsible for playing sound, and everything will be fine. But, as practice has shown, this step is sometimes not enough.
How to fix the error and return the sound:
- Make sure that the speakers are all in order, the cord is not damaged, the speakers are connected to a special connector.
- On the taskbar of the right mouse button you need to select the "Menu Play" in the lower right corner of the screen.
- The following actions will be as follows: Select the device that is currently active. Naturally, it will be columns.
- You need to click the left mouse button to open the menu.
- Next, we go to "Advanced Settings" and here you need to change some values \u200b\u200bin the speaker settings. Instead of HZ44100, you need to put HZ 192000, with the same parameters Bit - 24.
- If nothing happens after this manipulation, there is no sound, then you need to choose another tactic.
How to return the sound on windows 10
If the first time did not work out, we try again:
- In the task menu, launch the Device Manager.
- As soon as he starts, you need to enter the "Audio and Sound" tab.
- On the current audio reproduction driver, you need to right-click and select the "Delete" option.
- And now we select the "Device Search" tab and thus the driver will be updated, it will automatically be installed.
- On this all actions can be considered complete, the columns must work and reproduce the sound without interruptions.
There is also a backup option when the system persistently does not want to restore the audio driver. Then you need to recently installed sound playback drivers again, just search for them will be on the manufacturer's website.
in the wines 10 disappears the sound, it is repaired so necessary to climb into the bios