How to speed up windows 10

How to speed up windows 10

Over time, any user has a computer or laptop starts to work slowly and no matter what operating system is installed. And Windows 10 will not be an exception from this unpleasant reality. In the operating system, different "trash" appears, files are fragmented, and in the autoload you find many unknown programs, it is unknown from where that appeared. But it is possible to speed up the work of Windows 10 and make it very simple.

We remove unnecessary programs from the autoload list to speed up Windows 10

The main reason for the slow work of Windows 10 is a set of unnecessary programs. They start with the program, work without benefit, and resources consume. Check the list of programs in the autoload and clean from unnecessary items.

Your actions are as follows:

  • right-click on the "Start" menu;
  • click the "More" button and the list will open;
  • click the "Autavar" tab. There are folders and programs from the registry;
  • disconnect the list of applications that you do not need. First browse each application. To do this, click on it right mouse button. You will find out the location of the application and you can disable the automatic download of the selected program.

Be sure to pay attention to the "Impact on Run" column. In it, the operating system will prompt how much each application slows down the system launch.

Picture 2.

Turn off tracking features to speed up Windows 10

Tracking features present in Windows 10 praise different "Safety Specialists" on the forums. But they consume many resources, so the system works slower. Perform simple actions:

  • open the "Parameters" tab;
  • go to the "Privacy" tab;
  • speak in all sections deactivation of all tools.

Picture 3.

Turn off the graphic effects to speed up Windows 10

At the old computer or laptop, we recommend that all unnecessary graphic effects must be removed. They make a beautiful interface and please the eye, but inhibit the work of Windows 10. To do this, you perform simple actions:

  • press the Start menu and open the Options tab;
  • scroll through the control panel to the System and Security section;
  • reveal the "System" item;
  • on the left in the menu, find "Advanced Parameters", select this item;
  • in the "Speed" field, click the "Parameters" tab.

On the "Visual Effects" tab, you can simply note the item "Provide the best interaction" and click on the "OK" button. The option will turn off all the graphic effects, but without some it is inconvenient. Leave the effect of folding and turning windows, and the "slow attenuation" and other useless effects turn off.

Picture 4.

Clean the disk to speed up Windows 10

The slower work of Windows 10 is influenced by unnecessary files located on the hard disk. A special program "Clearing disk" is built into this operating system, it will help to figure out where unnecessary files are stored, and removes them. Your actions are as follows:

  • go to My Computer;
  • you choose the disk "C" it needs to be cleaned;
  • go to the "Properties" section. You will open the window;
  • find the "General" tab and click on the "Disk Cleaning" button. You launched the program.

The program will analyze the contents of the disk and give the result of cleaning. This process is long and the more "garbage" in the system, the longer cleaning. Then the system will show the volume of space that can be released. In the window that appears, you allocate all unnecessary and click "OK". Do not forget after cleaning to monitor the hard disk status and check the device drivers. We recommend to clean the computer from dust in a timely manner. The contaminated technique overheats and works badly.

Picture 5.

The above methods will help extend the service life of Windows 10. If these methods stopped helping, reinstall the operating system. Sometimes the reasons for slow work can be serious - overheating or failed hard disk. After reinstalling your computer will work quickly.

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